Monomad: Observing Activities on the Coast

in Black And White3 months ago


At around 13:00 on December 12, 2024, the roar of a boat engine was heard amidst the coastal wind. It was seen, not long after that several medium-sized boats sailed along the Kuala Meuraxa estuary towards the anchorage on the side of the river.






Still loyal to my two friends, @vannour and @akukamaruzzaman who were still not satisfied with being in the coastal area, documenting several moments there. As a coastal community, livelihoods at sea are one of the sources of livelihood for coastal communities.



In addition to fishing boats returning from the sea, I also took several photos of scrap boats. The wooden material of the boat looked like it was starting to rot. To be precise, we were at the end of the estuary, while across the estuary stretched a very wide saltwater swamp. @vannour sat cross-legged facing the swamp, the camera ready on a tripod to take pictures that he thought were good.



I'm going to put this (Observing Activities on the Coast)into a daily #monomad contest organized and curated by @monochromes

Thank You


Good shot my friend, the beach is indeed one of the objects that has a lot of stories.
This one is my favorite:


Haha langsung kna screenshot

Sep bereh kiraju 🙂

Great shots for the last two photos LOL 🤣, just kidding. They're all great photos enhanced by the narrative.

Temboh mlm nyo 🥳