Hello Hiver in Black And White Community Lover
My entry this time is some pictures of Tarawih prayer congregation black and white Photos
Hi hi everyone. That day meet again with @my451r. As usual I will share some black and white visuals with all of you. Well, this time I want to show you some pictures of Muslims praying Tarawih in one of the mosques where I live. Tarawih prayers performed by Muslims so far, especially at night every month of Ramadan arrives. Here are some visuals as my entry to the black and white photography challenge on this occasion. Hope you guys like it.
Hai hai semuanya. Berjumpa lagi dengan @my451r. Seperti biasa aku akan membagikan beberapa visual hitam dan putih kepada kalian semua. Nah, kali ini saya ingin menunjukkan beberapa gambar tentang umat muslim sedang melaksanakan ibadah salat terawih di salah satu masjid di tempat saya tinggal. Ibadah shalat terawih yang dilaksanakan oleh umat muslim di seluruh ini khusus pada malam hari setiap bulan ramadan tiba. Inilah beberapa visual sebagai entry saya pada tantangan fotography hitam dan putih pada kesempatan kali ini. Semoga kalian menyukainya.
This is my entry for the daily #monomad challenge hosted and curated by @monochromes.
Alright, that's my post this time. I hope you like the photos that I share through my hive blog.
I really miss tarawih together in my hometown
ketahuan nieh ga ikut solat ya, mallah foto-foto. ahhaah
He he... Ah si om bisa aja...
Sholat.. Tapi telat om..