A few days ago while driving I passed near the train tracks and remembered that it had been a long time since I had passed by there, and I had not passed by because since a couple of years ago migrants have increased and so has the violence near the train tracks, there are government fanatics who will deny it, but the truth is that violence, prostitution and drug addiction have increased a lot.
To be honest I didn't concentrate much when taking the pictures, I think I was more worried about watching my back than looking for the creative picture I had in my mind, so I'll go straight to the picture I liked the most and to no one's surprise it was the last picture.
This old man was walking alone, I saw him when he started to cross the train tracks and I put myself in a location that more or less worked for the scene, it wasn't the best since I had the sun in front of me and honestly I was already a little nervous since behind the wheels of the train cars I had already seen some people's feet approaching my location, so I didn't want to know what was going to happen, I think you get the picture.
What did surprise me was to see the old man crossing the tracks, perhaps because he has no other choice since he has no family to accompany him, bring him food or whatever he needs, suddenly the fragility and the consequences of life came to my mind, and there is no doubt that karma exists, and our old age is a reflection of our youth, most of the time.
And well that was the thought of that day, I leave you the other pictures that as I say were not my favorite, but are part of this adventure, see you.

Thank you
Thank you