Continuing with the photographs that I commented in the previous post where I went for a walk carrying the 55-250mm zoom lens, today I was editing some of the photographs to share with you, starting with the one I liked the most of all, this bird was very inspired receiving the sun and despite my presence did not bother, there was a moment when I wanted to focus on the birds that were in the middle, but those did fly away, the name I found for this bird is Crotophaga ani.
The second bird is one that I have already captured in photography on several occasions, it is a cormorant (Phalacrocoracidae) which has a beautiful eye color, and at this moment it was resting while its feathers were completely dry, after a few minutes it submerged again but I was not fast enough to capture a new photograph.
The next one is called Gallinula galeata, and sometimes I have been told that in other countries they hunt and eat it, once someone invited me to try it but to be honest I didn't feel like tasting it, it has very little meat and as far as I know, it eats carrion.
The next heron was quite far away, what strikes me is that they like that place very much because I always find herons there.
The next three pictures were quite complicated to take, there was a lot of light and the bird was moving so fast making it difficult to autofocus the camera and in manual mode it was a pain in the ass, so I share with you what I was able to do, maybe next time I'll be determined to only take pictures of this bird so I don't lose concentration.
And finally the ducks, damn ducks, so skillful and cunning, difficult to photograph because these are wild ducks and are not accustomed to human presence as the other whites that I have shown on other occasions, by the way when I saw them there they made me want to go hunting, when I go I will share photos that might bother you, I know, but that's life and hunting exists, it will always exist.
The black and white photographs reflect so much of the art within them and I love how you captured these images of the birds, all different but at the same time with their unique touch and what makes each of them special. Excellent work 😊