These flowers and leaves take on a really interesting look in monochrome; the water drops make them almost look like some sort of fabric. The textures become much more prominent in mono, while in color they appear more smooth and soft. Nature's little details are always a rewarding subject to seek out with a macro lens; sometimes I like to go out with only one lens and see if I can challenge myself to make the most of what I have with me. It tends to force a little more creativity to occur; sometimes having to many options can cause indecisiveness. Only being able to shoot with one lens makes it easier to just jump in and start trying different things.
Nice details, I am always attracted to this type of compositions where you can see water drops on plants, it's perfect.
Thanks, yes this is one of my favorite things to come across in nature!
Impressive the water drops on the flower, makes the textures stand out. Very nice pictures.
Thanks very much, water is life!
Beautiful photographs
Sincere applause👏🏽
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