From Frame to Close-up _ monomad daily chalenge

in Black And White2 months ago


Hello to all my friends in the black and white community of Montie. I'm back with another photo shoot and another blog post, this time featuring one of Khorasan's sweet-voiced artists, one of my dearest friends, an incredibly successful and talented individual in the field of music: Afshin Baqerzadeh. He was my guest at the studio today. He asked me to create a cover for his new music video, and since his music was about his father, we used a photo frame where Afshin is looking at it. Given the slightly sad genre of the work, we created a moody atmosphere for the music.

Regarding the creation of the photo cover, I've recently been into an elongated style that has a motion graphic form, and an equalizer is added to it, which ultimately makes the work interesting for those who want to publish it on visual platforms and make it visually appealing. To take this photo, I used two lights and a fill light that was natural light and came through the blinds. Afshin was sitting on a chair with a photo frame in his hand, and the main light was shining on my model at a 45-degree angle. I've included a time-lapse of this videography as a behind-the-scenes so you can see part of the process. I miss you all so much and after a long time, I stood in front of the camera again to have a behind-the-scenes of our work.
After the photo shoot that we did with the sofa, I decided to remove the sofa and ask Afshin to stand and turn from his left shoulder, which was exactly towards our key light, towards the camera and give me a beautiful look. We also recorded this photo. Finally, we reached the photo that I leaned against a wall to make it more beautiful, and I held my frame in a way that a reflection of my model's image would be in it. This photo shoot was also done with two lights, and I put my camera in vertical mode and brought the wall closer, and the result was what you see. In the end, you can see the behind-the-scenes of the work from my second Instagram page, where along with the photos I take, I also post my videography.

7-AFSHIN-A (1).jpg
Thank you for your beautiful look, and I also thank those who take the time and move our black and white community forward. Thank you for your attention, dear ones. I hope you enjoyed the content. Have a good day until we meet again. Goodbye."
Backstage video link:
Music by godpoori
📷 photo by @menati