Hello my Hiveian friend and fellow back and white, photography enthusiast.
Here we are for another round for #Monomad
Today I have a few interring photos (I think) They’re from a nice walk I had the other day.
I’ll make the talking very short today… and just get to the photos.
So let’s start:
This place is called “Mouth of Hell” I’m not even joking… that’s the official name. But while the name might not be the best. The place in itself is quite interesting.
Then we get another just from the side of that
They don’t make houses with these details anymore… ;)
This one I call, the philophopher by the sea:
One more from pure nature
And one more from man made stuff:
This is it for today. As always let me know art you think, I’m truly interested in knowing.
Wish you well and have a great day.