White wolf - Monomad Challenge

in Black And White6 days ago

While I was walking through the park, I saw this beautiful, gigantic white wolf and thought it would be really cool to take some pictures of it. So, I decided to approach its owners and ask if I could take some photos of their pet, and they gave me permission.

I'll use this photos as an entry for the #Monomad challenge.

Since the dog is white, I thought I could make these photos in black and white to make it stand out even more.

I started by taking some photos of it from the front:

Mientras caminaba por el parque vi a este hermoso y gigantesco lobo blanco y pensé que seria muy cool poder hacerle algunas fotos asi que decidí acercarme a sus dueños y preguntarles si le podia tomar algunas fotos a su mascota y ellos dieron su permiso.

Usaré estas fotos como entrada al concurso #Monomad challenge.

Como el perro es blanco se me ocurrió que podria hacer estas fotos en B/W para que resaltara mas aun.

Empecé por hacerle algunas fotos de frente:

A close-up of the dog's face:

Close up a la cara del perro:

I used my Canon RP camera with a 50mm f/2 lens to take all these photos.

The dog was quite skittish and wouldn't stay still, I think maybe it didn't like being pointed at with the camera, and that's why it moved around so much.
For that reason, most of the photos I took were from the side:

Utilicé mi camara Canon RP con un lente 50mm a 2/f para hacer todas estas fotos.

El perro era bastante esquivo y no se quedaba quieto, pienso que quizas no le gustaba ser apuntado con la camara y por eso se movia tanto.

Por esa razon, la mayoria de fotos que le tomé fueron de lado:

And to finish, I took some photos with its owner. She was trying to keep the dog still for as long as possible, and we only managed to get two photos, haha.

Y para finalizar le tomé algunas fotos con su dueña, ella estaba tratando de matener al perro quieto el mayor tiempo posible y solo logramos hacer dos fotos jajaja.

I hope you liked the photos as much as we did!

Espero que les hayan gustado las fotos tanto como a nosotros!


Manually curated by scroogergotchiheroes.com from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

thanks you @scroogergotchiheroes.com and @qurator team !

Without a doubt it was an excellent choice that the photographs were in black and white taking advantage of the white fur of the dog, they are beautiful pictures!