Photographing strangers on the street - Monomad Challenge.

in Black And White2 months ago


This is the first time I've gone out this year to photograph strangers on the street, and I have to say, I love it. It's a really beautiful way to connect with new people, hear their stories, and learn more about the world.

Yesterday, I went back to the same square as my previous post. I went there because it's a very busy area of my city and it's an ideal place to take photos. This time I went with the intention of photographing strangers.

The first photos I took were of an artisan who has been set up in this same place for years, selling her handicrafts as a way to make a living. And that day she was doing a braided hairstyle on another woman. I approached them and asked if I could take some photos, and they both said yes.

Esta es mi primera vez en el año que vuelvo a salir a fotografiar desconocidos en la calle y debo decir que me encanta, es una muy bonita manera de conectar con nuevas personas, oir sus historias y conocer mas sobre el mundo.

Ayer volví a la misma plaza de mi post anterior, fuí allí porque es una zona muy concurrida de mi ciudad y es un lugar ideal para hacer fotografias, esta vez fui con la intencion de fotografiar a desconocidos.

Las primeras fotos que hice fueron de una artesana, quien tiene años establecida en este mismo lugar, vendiendo sus artesanias como manera de ganar ingresos para sobrevivir y justo en este dia estaba haciendole un peinado de trenzas rastas a otra mujer, me acerqué a ellas y les pregunte si les podia hacer unas fotos y ambas dijeron que si.


A little closer:

Un poco mas cerca:


Photo of the hands and her handicrafts in the background:

Foto de las manos y sus artesanias al fondo:


In the end, the girl asked me to send her these photos because she wanted to use them too. We exchanged contact information and I continued on my way looking for more people to photograph.

A block away I met this girl who was selling donuts on the street. She herself, when she saw me with the camera in my hand, asked if I could take some photos of her, and of course I did:

Al final, la chica me pidió que le enviara estas fotos porque las queria usar ella tambien, compartimos informacion de contacto y seguí mi camino buscando mas personas a quien fotografiar.

A una cuadra de distancia me encontré a esta chica quien estaba vendiendo Donas en la calle, ella misma al verme con la camara en la mano me preguntó si le podia tomar unas fotos y claro que lo hice:




Then I walked towards the square and saw this gentleman with a very interesting look sitting on a bench. I approached him and asked if I could take a couple of photos of him, and he said yes.

Luego caminé hacia la plaza y vi a este señor con un look muy interesante sentado en una banca, me acerqué y le pregunté si le podia hacer un par de fotos y el me dijo que si.



This gentleman told me his story. He told me that he came to this square every day to sell books and that he could talk to you about all kinds of topics since he has read many books, that even several people have come to interview him.

Este señor me contó su historia, me dijo que el venia a esta plaza a diario a vender libros y que te puede hablar de todo tipo de temas ya que ha leido muchos libros, que incluso han venido varias personas a entrevistarlo.



It was a very good day of photography. I was very surprised by how open people were to being photographed, and it encouraged me to keep doing it, so I'll soon be taking more photos of this kind.

I hope you liked the photos as much as I did, thanks for watching!

Fue un muy buen dia de fotografia, me sorprendió muchismo lo abierta que estaban las personas a ser fotografiadas y me animó a seguir haciendolo asi que pronto hare mas fotos de este tipo.

Espero les hayan gustado las fotos tanto como a mi, gracias por ver!





Curation Trail - Delegations are WelcomeThis post was curated by @jlinaresp from the Visual Shots Team | Be part of our

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!


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