I keep showing you the photos I've taken of strangers at my city's fairs. When I say I've taken hundreds of photos, I'm not lying. I'm just sharing the best ones with you to make the posts more interesting.
Let's start with the photos of this girl. She's the person I've taken the most photos of. She was super confident in front of the camera and struck several poses, so I took a lot of photos of her.
Continuo mostrandoles las fotografias que le he hecho a desconocidos en las ferias de mi ciudad, cuando les digo que he hecho cientos de fotografias no les miento, solo voy compartiendo las mejores con ustedes para hacer las publicaciones mas interesantes.
Empezaré por las fotos de esta chica, quien ha sido la persona a la que le he tomado mas fotos, ella tenia muchisima confianza en frente de la camara y hizo varias poses, por eso le tomé bastantes fotos.
Usually, I only take 2 or at most 3 photos per person to not take up too much of their time, and so I can be efficient too, since hundreds of people pass by and my goal is to photograph as many people as possible.
Usualmente solo tomo 2 o maximo unas 3 fotos por persona para evitar ocuparlas mucho tiempo y así tambien yo poder ser eficiente ya que pasan cientos de personas y mi idea es fotografiar a la mayor cantidad de personas posible.
I say it again, I'm so surprised by how receptive people are to being photographed. Sometimes I overthink it and get nervous before approaching one of these strangers, but the truth is that most people have let me photograph them and they've all been very kind.
Vuelvo y repito, estoy demasiado sorprendido por la receptividad de las personas a ser fotografiadas, a veces lo sobre pienso y aveces me pongo nervioso antes de acercarme a uno de estos desconocidos pero la verdad es que la mayoria de personas se han dejado fotografiar y todos han sido muy amables.
The truth is, I have a lot of fun doing this dynamic of photographing strangers because I meet and talk to new people and it's helping me get out of my comfort zone!
La verdad es que me divierto mucho haciendo esta dinamica de fotografias con desconocidos porque conozco y hablo con nuevas personas y me está ayudando a salir de mi zona de confort!
I hope you liked these photos as much as I did. Thanks for watching!
Espero les hayan gustado estas fotografias tanto como a mi, gracias por ver!
Communicating and interacting with strangers to take photos with them is a challenge in itself, and it really gets the adrenaline pumping.
yeahhh really true, that used to happened me at the beggining but now i'm more confident and i'm used to it!
I really like your dynamic of taking pictures of strangers, you always get beautiful portraits!
Thaanks my friend!!
Greetings, very nice pictures, personally I love them, you do a very good job.
Thanks you!