I photographed a group of dog and their owners - Monomad Challenge.

in Black And White6 months ago


While i was walking through my city park, I noticed a group of people gathered together, all of them with dogs. So, I decided to approach them and ask if I could take some photos of their pets. Everyone gave me permission to photograph their furry friends.

I'm going to use these photos as an entry for the #monomad challenge.

They told me they were all friends and had planned a pet afternoon, which is why they had all brought their dogs to the park.

First, I took some photos of the dogs. There were different breeds, and they were all very friendly!

Mientras caminaba por el parque de mi ciudad pude observar que había un grupo de personas reunidas y que todas tenían perros asi que decidí acercarme y preguntarles si les podía hacer algunas fotografías y todos me dieron su permiso para fotografiar a sus mascotas.

Usaré estas fotos como entrada al concurso #monomad challenge.

Me dijeron que todos ellos eran amigos y que habían planeado una tarde de mascotas, por esos todos habían traido a sus perros al parque.

Primero les hice algunas fotografías a los perros, habían diferentes razas y todos eran muy amigables!







And the next dog was the most spoiled of all. When I called it, it immediately lay on its back to get petted. I was melting with love!

Y el siguiente perro era el mas consentido de todos, cuando lo llamaba inmediatamente se acostaba patas arriba para que le dieran caricias, de verdad me derretía de amor!!



After photographing all the dogs, I asked the owners if they wanted any photos with their dogs, and some of them said yes!

Luego de fotografiar a todos los perros les pregunte a los dueños si querian alguna fotos con sus perros y algunos dijeron que si!!


Who doesn't love a beautiful photo with their pets!

Y es que quien no ama una foto bonita con sus mascotas!




In the end, everyone was super happy with their photos, and I loved them too.

Al final todos quedaron super felices con sus fotos y yo a mi tambien me gustaron mucho!


A reunion between friends and their dogs sounds like a great plan and how lucky they were that you were around to take some pictures and keep that memory. Beautiful and adorable dogs, great photos!

Thanks really mucho my friend!

Great occasion for photography. I am very glad that you had this opportunity and that everyone was satisfied with their photos. That meeting between human and dog friends must have been a lot of fun.

Lately life has been giving me oportunnities to capture interesting moments like this one!

Vaya, todos los perros se ven tan serenos y tan cómodos con la cámara que parece que lo hicieran todos los días. Y las fotos con los dueños están muy buenas. Felicitaciones. Creo que ese tipo de fotografías no es tan sencillo de lograrlas. Saludos @malos10

Todos los perritos eran super amigables estaban super acostumbrados a las personas!