Family photographs - Monomad Challenge.

in Black And White4 months ago


Two days ago, I had the pleasure of photographing a lovely family. They told me this session was especially meaningful to them because their family has always been primarily women, and now their grandchildren (the new generation) are all boys!

We did the session in my studio and started with a group shot of everyone together:

Hace dos dias hice esta bonita sesion de fotos para una familia muy linda, ellos me dijeron que esta sesion de fotos era especial para ellos porque su nucleo familiar siempre estuvo compuesto por mujeres y ahora los nietos (la nueva generacion) estan naciendo puros varones jaja.

Esta sesion de fotos la hicimos en mi estudio y primero les tomé una foto a todos juntos:


Then, I took a photo of just the women, arranged by height:

Después le hice una foto solo a las mujeres por orden de tamaño:


Grandma wasn't too keen on being photographed, so I only managed a couple of shots. After that, I took a few photos of the sisters. The first one included the baby because he insisted on being in the picture:

A la abuela no le gustaba mucho ser fotografiada asi que solo acepto un par de fotos, luego de eso le hice un par de fotos a las hermanas, la primera fue junto al bebé porque el queria salir en la foto:


And then just the two of them. This photo turned out beautifully and would make a wonderful framed keepsake:

Y luego ellas dos solas, esta foto quedó muy linda, digna de ser enmarcada como un recuerdo para toda la vida:


Next, I turned my attention to the stars of the show: mom and son. They explained that they were both nearing their birthdays, which was the reason for this photo shoot:

Luego de eso empecé a tomar las fotografias de los protagonistas de las sesión de fotos, mama e hijo. Me explicaron que ambos estaban muy cerca de cumplir años y por eso fue que organizaron esta sesion de fotos:







Of course, I also took a few solo shots of the little guy. We were all completely smitten with his cuteness!

Y obviamente tambien le tomé algunas fotos al niño solo, todos estabamos derretidos con la ternura del niño!




I also took a couple of portraits of the mom:

Tambien le hice un par de retratos a la mama:



In the end, everyone was happy with the results of the session. I hope you like them as much as we do

Al final todos quedamos super contentos con los resultados de esta sesion de fotos, espero que a ustedes les gusten tanto como a nosotros!


It is a very beautiful family session, besides having that reason that makes it more special, the integration of the boys to the family, haha. Excellent work my friend!

I agree! it was very special!

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

This side of the family photo shoot that I think is very special, and this one is my favorite today:
