Pyramid variations! #monomad from Egypt

in Black And White9 months ago (edited)

I finally made it to Eypt and the pyramids!

It happened more or less by random, getting to Dubai too late for another flight to Europe I used the Travala app to book a next day flight to Cairo, paying with crypto :-)

The view from my breakfast table!

This cat kept me company every morning, you'll see the rest of her later :-)

Walking up to the pyramids themselves there were lots of interesting geometric shapes for a photographer!

A nice, polite dog will always deserve a portrait :-)

Pay to take pictures of the camels? You should have put up a sign, buddy! The owner tried getting into some kerfuffle, I just walked away ignoring his spiel...

And now some pure, geometric variations to finish off for now:

All these images were processed using Rawtherapee from Fujifilm raw, with Gimp for editing.

After ~20 years or more with Photoshop it takes a lot of time and messed up work to get into Gimp... The good thing is that I've had some years doing simple edits using Pixlr online, Preview and mobile apps only, so the habits from all those years might be easier to turn around. We will see, as of now I have no professional need to be very productive, although an effective workflow will always be key!

If anyone would be interested maybe an online meetup around Gimp would be doable?

There will be more to come, all depending on how this conversion to tools that I can run on Linux works out :-)


I love Egypt and all its culture. Thank you for that magnificent trip and the photos. Excellent post

Thanks! Yeah it was quite something, hope to make it back for more than a few days...

Might even stay for an extended period if conditions make that feasible!

Amazingly beautiful bro, @light works feel like I'm seeing Middle Eastern photos 👍👍👍👍

Thanks, I guess Egypt is both Africa and the Middle East? :-)