As birds see it (in 13 dramatic black and white pictures)

Well, firstly, I suppose the birds don't see a lot that scene in the second photograph but I am sharing it with you just so you see what is the "regular" path to get on foot (or on a chariot) on top of the Round Tower in Copenhagen, Denmark.

I have to tell you, this is one of the most impressive and beautiful old buildings in the Danish capital city. Moreover, to be on top of it is one of the things I enjoyed the most while visiting this wonderful European capital.

The views were breathtaking, sometimes like taken from a fairy-tale, combining the silhouettes of old and modern buildings. Combining the residential, religious and industrial character of them all. See for yourself ;)














You probably know by now how much I love Black & White or sometimes referred as Monochromatic photography. I have always believed that while Color Photography shows the external part of our world, Black and White Photography shows the soul, the inner hidden side of everything. Please consider the first photo of this post as my entry today to the established #monomad daily contest by the monochromes account and community and supported by the qurator account, thank you everyone for your hard and continuous efforts to build and grow this great community!

Thank you for your time and support, please check out below few other ways to encourage me in my difficult visual art endeavor and stay in touch!

You could get a license here for some of my visual works approved by the quality review team of Adobe, Inc.:

I use and recommend those services below, following my referral links is a win-win for both you and me:

Copyright: Light Captured
For licensing my photos, please drop me a message on Discord: lightcaptured#2698


Have a great day, stay safe, stay strong and let your muse be always on your shoulder!


It's simply Wow!
Whenever I see one-word comments that include words like: wow or amazing, I am extremely surprised by their presence on this platform. But do you know how many times, looking at the photos in your posts, I wanted to write just that: wow or amazing?! 😄 I have nothing more to say. My abilities can reach only these 'heights', my brain blocks and stops producing thoughts and words. All that remains is my ability to perceive the visual. And that's all I need right now.
Thank you!

Some amazing shots there, wow.

Thanks a lot, buddy! :)



PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
lightcaptured tipped soulsdetour (x1)
@lightcaptured(3/15) tipped @monochromes (x1)
lightcaptured tipped enginewitty (x1)

You can now send $PIZZA tips in Discord via!

 3 years ago  

Congratulations. Today's #monomad third place is yours.
Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!