#Monomad || The Cathedral / La Catedral

in Black And White3 months ago

English Version

The Cathedral

The churches located in the heart of the city of Caracas keep inside the magic of an exquisite architecture, which tries to transmit greatness, power and solemnity, the greatest example of this is found in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Santa Ana, whose wide spaces, columns and arches allow us to marvel at an episcopal see really at the height of a national capital, where the details were well taken care of, the iron was forged properly, the wood has an impeccable color and the marble floor shines like a mirror.

Versión en Español

La Catedral

Las iglesias ubicadas en el corazón de la ciudad de Caracas resguardan en su interior la magia de una exquisita arquitectura, la cual intenta transmitir, grandeza, poder y solemnidad, el mayor ejemplo de esto lo encontramos en la Catedral Metropolitana de Santa Ana, cuyos espacios amplios, columnas y arcos nos permiten maravillarnos con una sede episcopal realmente a la altura de una capital nacional, en donde se cuidaron muy bien los detalles, el hierro se forjó de manera adecuada, la madera luce un impecable color y el piso de mármol brilla como un espejo.





In cities like Caracas, churches have seen how many of their parishioners have moved away from the path of faith, due to different situations that are products of ideological differences or cultural changes. But it is still common to find many people of different ages who approach these altars with the purpose of raising a prayer to God for his intercession in some individual problem or in some collective situation that threatens the peace and understanding of the whole society.

En ciudades como Caracas, las iglesias han visto como muchos de sus feligreses se han alejado un poco el camino de la fe, esto debido a diferentes situaciones que son productos de las diferencias ideológicas o los cambios culturales. Pero aún es común encontrar a muchas personas de diferentes edades que se acercan a estos altares con la finalidad de elevar una plegaria a Dios por su intersección en algún problema individual o en alguna situación colectiva que amenace la paz, y el entendimiento de toda la sociedad.




With more than 300 years of history, this church has suffered the ravages of an area that is characterized by its high seismic activity, for this reason that multiple times part of its structure has collapsed, but thanks to the commitment of the people and the will of the authorities that on each occasion has been rebuilt, always taking into account that it must maintain its grandeur and beauty, as these are the factors that characterize it. Undoubtedly this is a place dominated by an atmosphere of peace and fraternity, where we find that serenity that we need so much in times of difficulty, it is there in an earthly temple where in one way or another we really feel closer to God.

Con más de 300 años de historia esta iglesia ha sufrido los embates de una zona que se caracteriza por su alta actividad sísmica, por esta razón que múltiples ocasiones parte de su estructura han colapsado, pero gracias al empeño del pueblo y la voluntad de las autoridades que en cada ocasión ha podido ser reconstruido, siempre teniendo en cuenta que se debe mantener su grandeza y belleza, ya que estos son los factores que la caracterizan. Sin duda alguna este es un lugar dominado por un ambiente de paz y fraternidad, en donde encontramos esa serenidad que tanto nos hace falta en los momentos de dificultad, es allí en un templo terrenal en donde de alguna u otra manera nos sentimos realmente más cerca de Dios.





Cameras / Cámaras:

Siragon SP-7200

Location: Metropolitan Cathedral of Santa Ana - Caracas - Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Ubicación: Catedral Metropolitana de Santa Ana - Caracas - República Bolivariana de Venezuela


Curation Trail - Delegations are WelcomeThis post was curated by @dimascastillo90 from the Visual Shots Team | Be part of our

The church is large and beautiful.
The members are doing great by maintaining it and not allow it to collapse.

Lovely photos

@jmis101 Hello my friend, this is an incredible cathedral, it is very large and perfectly preserved. It is an iconic landmark of the city, it is also a window to the past and an ideal place to pray and dream that a better world is possible. Greetings and hugs!
