Memories : Portrait photography Monomad

in Black And White4 months ago (edited)


Hello guys, so I decided to share this image which takes my memory back to the day I took this portraits, the subject happens to be my lovely niece, she has a very warm and calm smile and she’s very photogenic. I had a very nice time taking and editing this pictures, it gives me so much joy that I was able to document this moment. Photographs plays a very key role in our lives,

“for it speaks words that one can’t hear but feel through their heart and see through their eyes.”

I had a good time capturing here essence and this images are so dear to me not because of how beautiful it is but because of the funny moment behind the scene.

In the process of taking different shots, I was switching different angles so I could get a perfect shot, I loved this angles for it makes it look like she was staring at something from above.



Cannon Rebel T6
ISO: 200
Shutter speed : 300


Thank you all for the love and support
