Monomad Challenge: Reflection of People on an Action


Hello everyone, how are you today, I'm back again with my black and white visuals that you might like and this is my entry for the #monomadchallenge. This time I'm back with some black and white visuals of people in action. They took action for an appeal as a form of democracy in my country. and I made some unique visuals a bit, while other friends were busy making visuals of their actions, I was looking for other things, I made reflections or shadows of people on the stagnant water in that area, and I managed to get a few frames that time I made this content and I share it with you, I hope you like the content that I share this time.






I hope you like the content that I share this time.I hope you are happy with my work this time, and I will be happy if you like this latest job.
Have fun !!!

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