#monomad- Desolate places

in Black And White2 years ago

Saludos comunidad espero que este super excelente y esten pasando una navidad feliz, hoy quieroexpresar con ustedes una felidad enorme y es que finalmente he logrado una de mis metas que era tener mi Drone, para asi llevar con ustedes lugares o algunas cosas desde otra perspectiva. Y hoy veran una parte de ella, contarles un poco porque he llamado este blog, como "Lugares desolados".

Greetings community I hope that this super excellent and are having a merry Christmas, today I want to express with you a huge happiness and is that I have finally achieved one of my goals was to have my Drone, so I can take with you places or some things from another perspective. And today you will see a part of it, tell you a little bit why I have called this blog, as "Desolate Places".

En un viaje familiar a unos de los lugares importante de Venezuela, como lo es las playas en este pais, por su clima tropical y calido, lleno de muchos lugares hermosos pero a la ves desolados, sumergidos por el mar, apropiandose especies acuaticas o corales.

In a family trip to one of the most important places in Venezuela, as it is the beaches in this country, for its tropical and warm climate, full of many beautiful places but at the same time desolate, submerged by the sea, appropriating aquatic species or corals.


Aca les muestro unas de las tomas aeres que he realizado, donde aprecian algunas formas lo cual son islas, con vista al horizonte teniendo al mar caribe, entradas del mismo mas a estos cauces de aguas, provenientes de muchos lugares del mundo.

Here I show you some of the aerial shots that I have made, where you can appreciate some forms which are islands, with a view to the horizon having the Caribbean Sea, entrances of the same plus these watercourses, coming from many places in the world.

Pero como observan son islas desoladas ya que como observan no pueden acceder ya que a simple vista hay manglares altos por lo tanto ninguna embarcacion puede zarpar a la orillas y disfrutar mas en presencia de su fauna.

But as they observe they are desolate islands because as they observe they can not access since at first sight there are high mangroves therefore no boat can sail to the shores and enjoy more in the presence of its fauna.


Dos embarcaciones la cuales estan totalmente abandonadas de hace muchos años, los cuales ya comienzan a ser adueñados por especies acuaticas, tanto asi que el daño que tiene nadie pueden hacer nada para restaurar dicha embarcacion ya que es un modelo antiguo realizado con madera, por lo tanto el salistre del mar deteriora con el tiempo la embarcacion, unos de los capitanes que consegui en el muelle, me comento que dichas embarcaciones pertenecian a dos familias de bajos recursos por lo tanto los dos capitanes fallecieron por vejes y nadie de sus familias tuvieron interes en recuperarlas y beneficiarse.

Two boats which are totally abandoned for many years, which are already beginning to be owned by aquatic species, so much so that the damage that has no one can do anything to restore the boat as it is an old model made of wood, Therefore the salistre of the sea deteriorates with the time the boat, one of the captains that I got in the dock, told me that these boats belonged to two families of low resources therefore the two captains died of old age and no one of their families were interested in recovering them and benefit.


Desde las alturas todo se ve con otra perspectiva, y esta es una de ella una embarcacion que ya parte de ella esta sumergida, lo cual corresponde como un habitad para corales, y peces de la localidad.

From the heights everything is seen with another perspective, and this is one of them a boat that already part of it is submerged, which corresponds as a habitat for corals, and fish of the locality.

Espero que este contenido sea de mucho agrado para ustedes y disfruten de estas fotografias aereas.

I hope this content is of much pleasure for you and enjoy these aerial photographs.


Thank you for your help!Dear @ejrlopez,Our previous proposal expired end of December and the Hivebuzz project is not funded anymore. May we ask you to review and support our new proposal (https://peakd.com/me/proposals/248)?