#monomad - A race, with a duration of 6 hours.

in Black And White3 years ago

Saludos a toda la comunidad, en esta oportunidad les contare un poco sobre un evento deportivo al que asisti hace una semana, y mostrarle un poco del contenido que realice durante toda la carrera, el cual tambien les dire toda esa experencia que viví.

Greetings to all the community, this time I will tell you a little about a sporting event that I attended a week ago, and show you some of the content that I made throughout the race, which also tell you all that experience I lived.

Hace dias atras me hicieron una invitacion un equipo de ciclismo de montaña al cual tambien pertenezco ya que tambien manejo bicileta en algunas oportunidades, y en esta oportunidad acepte la invitacion ya que era un evento de extrema adrenalina, a realizarce en el Estado Lara - Venezuela. Lo cual el equipo iba en representacion del estado al que pertenecian y querian que asistiera y hacerle algunas fotos.

A few days ago I was invited by a mountain biking team to which I also belong because I also ride a bike in some opportunities, and this time I accepted the invitation because it was an event of extreme adrenaline, to be held in the State of Lara - Venezuela. Which the team was representing the state to which they belonged and wanted me to attend and take some pictures.


Y todo comenzo viajando super temprano un dia domingo para poder asistir y estar a la hora en el evento ya que quedaba a dos horas de camino de donde vivo, el evento comenzaba a las 9 horas por lo tanto debiamos estar en el lugar una hora antes debido a la preparacion de los ciclista e instalacion del equipo con toda su logistica ya que era un evento de bastantes hora lo que ameritaba instalar un equipo completo para la alimentacion e hidratacion de los ciclista.

And it all started traveling super early on a Sunday to be able to attend and be on time at the event as it was a two hour drive from where I live, the event started at 9 am so we had to be in place an hour before due to the preparation of the cyclists and installation of the equipment with all its logistics as it was an event of many hours which required installing a complete team for feeding and hydration of cyclists.


Como les comentaba en el titulo, fue un evento de 6 horas de duracion lo que se conoce un Bike Marathon donde se da a conocer las verdaderas condiciones de los ciclista durante un tiempo tan prolongado, lo que daba a demostrar las capacidades de resitencia bajo una condiciones climatologicas bastante exigente ya que un dia anterior habia llovido lo que indicaba a los cilista que el dia de la carrera seria un dia con muhcisima humedad y altas temperaturas durante las 6 horas de carrera.

As I mentioned in the title, it was an event of 6 hours of duration which is known as a Bike Marathon where the real conditions of the cyclists are revealed during such a long time, which gave to demonstrate the capabilities of resistance under a quite demanding weather conditions since the day before it had rained which indicated to the cyclists that the day of the race would be a day with very high humidity and high temperatures during the 6 hours of race.


Realizar este tipo de fotografia no es nada facil ya que debemos tener en cuenta esos angulos exactos que narren una historia y transmitan lo que se ve en una fotografia, tambien ser capaces a llegar hasta mas no poder y no tener limites ya que debemos recorrer todo el trayecto, adaptandote a las condiciones del clima y estar preparado para cualquier eventualidad que se escapem de los manos.

This type of photography is not easy because we must take into account those exact angles that tell a story and convey what is seen in a photograph, also be able to go as far as we can and have no limits because we must go all the way, adapting to weather conditions and be prepared for any eventuality that escapes our hands.

Dejare esto por aca, y agradecerles a todos quienes llegaron al final, valoro el tiempo que se toman para ver este contenido que me he dado cuenta que les gusta mucho la fotografia de deporte, seguiran viendo mas de esta carrera durante varios dias .

I will leave this here, and thank you all who made it to the end, I appreciate the time you take to view this content that I have realized that you really like sports photography, you will continue to see more of this race for several days.


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 3 years ago  

Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!Congratulations. Today's #monomad first place is yours.

Good job. You managed to capture the movement of the cyclists. Also, the photos are somehow inspiring. Maybe it's because of the effort the cyclists put in and it's reflected in their faces. Best regards.