A new best friend || Monomad

in Black And White7 months ago

Hello black-and-white and cell phone enthusiasts. Who would have thought that this little gadget would take up so much of our lives. A few years ago we didn't have such a strong attachment to anything in particular. Life was a more diverse experience, socially speaking of course. You had to touch things, see and feel them in person, and I mean everything, human relationships and all. However, the cell phone is here to stay, and I think for the better if we are able to objectively plan our time, which is sometimes difficult, I confess, but it is a matter of organization and will.

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In fact, nowadays it is practically impossible to develop in a practical sense without a cell phone, and even less so without an internet connection. On this occasion I want to share with you a series of street photographs that visualize what I have said. With these captures I want to make my entry to the daily challenge #monomad. I have only tried to capture the instant of reality when we are immersed in the mobile. I hope you like this proposal, see you!

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Español - Click aquí

Hola apasionados del blanco y negro, y del teléfono móvil. Quién diría que este pequeño aparato nos ocuparía tanto tiempo de nuestras vidas. Hace algunos años atrás no teníamos una apego tan fuerte a nada en concreto. La vida era una experiencia más diversa, socialmente hablando claro. Había que tocar las cosas, verlas y sentirlas en persona, y me refiero a todo, a las relaciones humanas y lo demás. Sin embargo el móvil ha llegado para quedarse, y pienso que para bien si somos capaces de planificarnos objetivamente nuestro tiempo, que en ocasiones resulta difícil, lo confieso, pero es cuestión de organización y voluntad. En realidad hoy en día es prácticamente imposible desarrollarse en el sentido práctico sin un teléfono celular, y menos sin conexión a internet. En esta ocasión quiero compartir con ustedes una serie de fotografías callejeras que visualizan lo que he comentado. Con estas capturas quiero hacer mi entrada al reto diario #monomad. Solo he intentado captar el instante de la realidad cuando estamos inmersos en el móvil. Espero les agrade esta propuesta. ¡Nos vemos!

Both the text and the images are of my authorship. Text translated by DeepL, my native language is Spanish. Nikon D5100 camera.


So much obsession with mobile phones 😁.

Yeah! Enjoy digital era!🤖

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you very much to the @qurator team for the support! Especially @brumest! 👌

 7 months ago  

Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!Congratulations. Today's #monomad third place is yours.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to share our vision. It is a pleasure.

I’m using one now to engage with Hive and various other things in parallel. My brain isn’t made for this


Mobile phones have done a lot in our generation. The pictures are captivating.

I would like to be part of this community. Are there specific things to be done aside from the community rules?