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RE: Self Quarantine Photography - Monomad

in Black And White3 years ago

I didn't know! Am I the last one to not know you were sick? My sister in law go the original COVID 19 and contracted it when she left my house (they were here for a funeral last year) and somewhere in between my house and Michigan (on the Candian border) which is over 1287km (800 miles) she picked up COVID. Not one person in my house got ill, so I have to believe she got it somewhere in between. We have been lucky here, nobody has been affected yet.

I hope you are feeling better by now. Sorry to only see this now.


Hey ! Yea I got it in the end but it was rather mild so I was very lucky.
Yea these days it’s crazy it feels like each new day I get the news that someone has know got it. On the other hand most haven’t gotten any severe symptoms, basically like a flu or a bad cold. How about your sister in law was she vaccinated when she got it and was she ok in the end ?

She was not vaccinated, and it took literally months for her to feel okay. She is fine now.

But, it was pretty miserable for her.

My god yea I heard that some that got it before the vaccines really were hit hard and there are a lot of post COVID victims that are still struggling . It’s crazy but glad to hear she is okay now