Thought you might like that.
If you wanna know what the fellas in your life are really made of, invite'em over to watch this one with you, if you haven't already, and prepare to mop the floor with their tears.
Thought you might like that.
If you wanna know what the fellas in your life are really made of, invite'em over to watch this one with you, if you haven't already, and prepare to mop the floor with their tears.
I know the film and it is one of those movies that do indeed make you cry. The message is clear, though. Never quit.
Thanks. ✨
You are right. I make the invitation and prepare everything to dry the floor.
--- I've left that unsaid, sorry, do you think it should be seen at a particular time?
It was supposed to tie into gift I think somehow but it's been awhile now and hm..