Go duck yourself.

in Black And White2 years ago (edited)

My name is Anna and I am an asshole.
Ok, so I'm not really an asshole. More like a jerk. I was annoyed that my new zoom lens was undeliverable because other jerks who had their less-important amazon packages delivered to the hub lockers hadn't picked up their shit yet and there was no locker available for my shit. Which means I didn't get to go bonkers with the extreeeeeeme closeup baby crow eyeball photos today like I wanted.
Instead Pilot and I sulked over to the duck pond where I proceeded to throw pebbles into the water to make the ducks think I was feeding them so they would come over and I could take pictures of them with my tired old 300mm lens.
I mean, at least I'm kind of good with what I have.
But duck eyeballs just don't cut it.
Light was polite, though. Showed up. Did nice things.
This guy is smiling. Or laughing, probably. Laughing at my misery over having to wait for some material object to arrive so I can ascribe more false meaning to my life. Laughing because he knows the true meaning of life, and that's eat, sleep, preen, make a shitload of babies, and chase girls around the pond.
I'm not so down with the make a shitload of babies part, but I could see myself chasing girls around the pond if only Jeri Ryan or the bartender from the bar across the street were there.
I don't want to talk about my relationship with eating and sleeping right now.
But, you know, life goes on and shit.
Might as well duck around while I have the free time. Duck off. Duck and cover. Suck a bag of ducks. Ducktor Doolittle. Don't push your duck.
Lucky duck.
Don't push your lucky duck.
That's just ducky.
And thus concludes my duckload.
Ima duck out, now.

This is my entry for the #monomad challenge, held daily in the Black and White Community.
Give it a try.

CrowTube Channel (does not include ducks)
Crowstagram (may include the occasional duck)
NFT Crowroom (duck-free zone)
A percentage of this post's rewards goes back to support the community.
All the stuff (pictures, words, etc.) I put in this post and any of my other posts is mine (unless otherwise stated) and can't be used by anyone else unless I say it's ok.


Lovley shots.. Good luck with delivery 🤞🚚

I think that you have every right to be an asshole after not getting your camera gear when you were meant to. Great photos, but that duck really does look like a smug little shit.

If any animal does know the real meaning of life, I'm pretty darn sure that it's not a duck. The fuzzy babies that jump out of tree hole nests are sort of cute, I'm still trying to work out how they are made that they bounce instead of go 'splat'.

Oh shit, I forgot that ducklings did that! Buncha weirdos. Babies are built to bounce, though.

that duck really does look like a smug little shit


Yes, weirdos is a good description. I suppose they have to bounce or they'd have died out long ago 😁