Vietnam Wall In B&W


Just to the northeast of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC is the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Inscribed upon the black granite panels are more than 58,000 names, the butcher's bill of Vietnam in Optima typeface.


My dad's brother served in Vietnam, so I always try to visit the memorial when I'm in DC. He survived so his name isn't on the wall but it's still good to visit.


Stark, silent, solemn. Tourists gawking and aging men lost in memories.


Even in the heat of summer it can give you a bit of a chill.


Lest we forget.

Indeed. My uncle never could but it is all too easy for those that weren't there.

Respect seems to be unfashionable these days.

I'm pretty sure it has always been. Celebrate the victories and try not to notice the ones who fought is probably as old as organized warfare. Change a couple words and Kipling's Tommy is just as relevant now as it was when he wrote it.

Sad but true.

I hope y'all are well up there.

To be forgotten is to never have lived-
I feel you man my family sent 6 In Total to the old butchers block in Nam luckily 5 came back. What was left of them at least.

Good shots as always.

What was left of them at least.

You ain't kidding. My uncle would get the shakes so bad after he got back that the doctor would have to give him a shot to knock him out. He'd sleep for a couple days and then be better for a bit before it'd all start back up again.

Thank ya!