City Snippets

I photograph to see what the world looks like in photographs.
---Garry Winogrand

Wandering the city, the only thing that's certain is that you never know what your going to find. Every time I've headed out in search of something particular it is nowhere to be found, so now I just wander and let the city show me what it wants me to see.

In my photojournalism workshop earlier this year, they really emphasized the importance of access. Come to think of it, that's what really separated it from my usual street photography. Instead of being on the outside looking in, I was inside wandering around trying not to get in the way. Still working on finding some access here but in the meantime there's always the windows.

It's not exactly the best time for street photography, everybody is stressed and either running around madly or hiding out waiting on the internet to bring them things. Took this shot to see if I could get the city to look like the images that shaped my notions of 'city' growing up out in the hills.

The woods have a different feel to them in the winter, even in the city. Wandering home from the overlook in Iroquois Park after watching the sunset, the leafless limbs took on an almost ominous air backlit by the last of the light.

Just another day in the life of a Highlands head shop. Wouldn't be a very good snippet of city life if it didn't include at least one person on their phone. Don't blame him though, it was midafternoon and there's not much going on there until the bars get hopping later at night.

About time I barged on out of here, but this being a river town I had to include one. More on that here.


I think it's a good strategy to just wander around and let the city do the talking.
Cities are so volatile in what they offer, due to people being often times quite random.

Volatile, that's a good way of putting it. Think it was a little over a month ago that I almost got to witness a murder on one of those wanders🤪


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(2/5) @victorbz tipped @coloneljethro

 3 months ago  Reveal Comment

Thanks! I'm curious what you mean by street photography killers?