Impact in Lockdown

in Black And White4 years ago (edited)

So here I am in Auckland New Zealand into week two of a total Lockdown. That means we can only leave our house for essential services-food shopping, medical and exerercise in our neighbourhood .Always with a mask. We thought we had Covid beat after 6 months of freedom after the last Lockdown but the Delta variant proved us wrong. So in this time of enforced isolation I have been going thru my images to pick a few that have some real impact-for me anyway-when done in monochrome.My entry for the #Monomad challenge.


Flamingoes Auckland Zoo


Graffiti under bridge


Sex shop reflection


Early morning coffee in Winter at my local cafe. We won't be able to enjoy this simple luxury for months under Lockdown....sigh


Maori meeting house carved panel Auckland museum.


Atrium Auckland museum. Again no entry for weeks to come.


Sea creatures : Ancient sea monsters exhibition.


Motorway overpass.

For all you folk in isolation I offer my deepest sympathies. I will post some more in this series if there is enough interest. This is in a way therapy for me -you have to find things to do with no work, no people visits and being locked down in your house. The N.Z. motto is be kind to one another, be safe , and stay at home. Luckily I have my photos to keep me company.

 4 years ago  

Great series
Hello @artxmike Please do not forget to add the #monomad tag to your post, or we might accidently miss it tomorrow while going through all the entries 🙂