Second Chance - Segunda oportunidad [ Eng- Eso] Monomad Challenge

Good morning to all the community, I hope you all had an excellent weekend and in the same way this one that has just begun.Today I bring you some pictures of Kris, one of the first clients who requested our service when I started offering the Airbandb Experiences, and a few days ago was in my country again and contacted me to make him another photo shoot through the streets of the city.Without further delay and waste of time I show you these photos taken just a few days.I hope you like them.See you soon.

Buenos Días a toda la comunidad.Espero todos hayan tenido un excelente fin de semana y de igual manera se desarrolle esta que recién comienza.Hoy les traigo unas fotos de Kris ,una de las primeras clientes que solicitó nuestro servicio cuando comencé a ofrecer las Experiencias en Airbandb ,y que hace pocos días estuvo en mi país nuevamente y me contacto para que le hiciera otra sesión de fotos por las calles de la ciudad.Sin más dilación y perdida de tiempo les muestro estas fotos realizadas apenas unos pocos días.Espero sean de su agrado.Hasta pronto.


Kris is stunning, good work, thank the gods for Air B & B

Absolutely,she is now a client and a good friend.About Airbnb,of course they are being in my live the bottle of water at the desert.

So you make a lot of friends with Airbnb?


 last year  

Please make sure to add the tag to your post (together with the other tags), or we might accidentally miss it while going through all the entries. 🙂Hello @alianlens and thank you very much for your #monomad participation!

Thank you.