Monopod photography challenge - Dragonfly perched on a dry tree branch

in Black And White3 years ago (edited)


It's been a long time since I posted and followed a black and white photography challenge here. Today I am again participating in the black and white photography challenge in this extraordinary community.

Well, on this occasion. I will share some pictures of dragonflies with all of you. I found this dragonfly perched on a tree branch. I took it using a camera phone and a special additional lens for the camera phone.

As I said in my previous post. Whenever there is free time. I'm always looking for and hunting insects and beetles for me to shoot with my phone camera.

Well, here are some pictures of dragonflies that I will share with all of you. Hope you guys like it.








Posts about the life of all types of insects in nature

Thank you to friends who always support my activities in seeing all forms of insect life activities that live in the Acehnese nature.

Best Regards

Those are such a wonderful photography and love it.

A beautiful and spectacular photographic work. congratulations.