Taking advantage of this young girl's outfit, I made these black and white versions to give to her proud family. I really liked the top part of this fantastic dress for the monochromatic conversion, with its geometric shapes arranged in a whimsical and I would even say hypnotic way. A bit of minimalism in the background to highlight only the figure of the young woman, using two lights, one coming from the left in the front and another cutting to the right in the background. I hope you find these images interesting!
Aprovechando la vestimenta de esta jovencita, hice estas versiones en blanco y negro para entregarles a su orgullosa familia. Realmente la parte superior de este fantasioso vestido me gustó mucho para la conversión monocromática, con sus formas geométricas ordenadas de forma caprichosa y hasta diría que hipnótica. Un poco de minimalismo en el fondo para destacar solamente la figura de la joven, usando dos luces, una que viene desde la izquierda en el frente y otra de recorte hacia la derecha en el fondo. Espero que les resulten interesantes estas imágenes!
Thanks so much for the opportunity!
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Nice shots...this is so good.
Thank you very much!
You are welcome
Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!Congratulations. Today's #monomad third place is yours.