Runaway - monomad - eng/esp

Despite the fog, I was able to reach this part of the island. The rest is well fortified, I won't be able to cross for a long time, at least not during the day. We are only my bottle of rum, my rusty sword and my desire to live. In the distance is the lighthouse and on the other side of the bay is the prison I escaped from. Some fishermen pass by in the distance but they pretend not to see me. It is in their best interest not to give explanations to the port guards, unless they have put a price on my head. But they pass and have not looked back. I have a few minutes to finish my bottle and think about how to escape without a trace on this piece of abandoned coast.

A pesar de la niebla, pude llegar a esta parte de la isla. El resto está bien fortificado, no voy a poder cruzar en largo tiempo, al menos no de día. Sólo estamos mi botella de ron, mi espada oxidada y mis ganas de vivir. A lo lejos está el faro y del otro lado de la bahía está la cárcel de la que me escapé. Unos pescadores pasan a lo lejos pero hacen como que no me ven. Les conviene no dar explicaciones a los guardias del puerto, a no ser que hayan puesto precio a mi cabeza. Pero pasan y no han mirado atrás. Tengo unos minutos para terminar mi botella y pensar en cómo escapar sin dejar rastro en este pedazo de costa abandonada.

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(With the help of Google Translator Esp-Eng)
Thanks so much for the opportunity!
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 5 days ago  

Congratulations. Today's #monomad first place is yours.
Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!

Epic! Thanks so much! 🙏🖤🤍😱

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!