Pandemic times - monomad - eng/esp

You don't want the doctor to visit you during times of pandemic. The doctor himself brings with him the sign of death. With its long mask to scare away diseases and filter the air, it is scarier than the pustules of leprosy, scarier than the vomit of tuberculosis. He approaches the dungeon where they have confined you with one of his utensils, you don't know if he is looking at you or if he really has eyes to look at. He touches you with his cold, white hands. He whispers in your ear: "everything is going to be okay" and all you ask is that they don't treat your fever with bleeding leeches, or that they don't suffocate you with the fumes of incense. The truth is that everything will change from that moment on, and death does not understand social classes or noble titles.

Tú no quieres que el doctor te visite durante los tiempos de pandemia. El mismo doctor trae consigo la señal de la muerte. Con su larga máscara para asustar las enfermedades y filtrar el aire, da mas miedo que las pústulas de la lepra, más miedo que el vómito de la tuberculosis. Se acerca con uno de sus utensilios a la mazmorras a donde te han confinado, no sabes si te mira ni si en verdad tiene ojos para mirar. Te toca son sus frías y blancas manos. Susurra al oído: "todo va a estar bien" y tú lo único que pides es que no te traten la fiebre con el desangrado de las sanguijuelas, o que no te ahoguen con los humos de los inciensos. Lo cierto es que todo cambiará a partir de ese momento, y la muerte no entiende de clases sociales ni títulos nobiliarios.

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With the help of Google Translator Esp-Eng
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Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

This post was curated by @dimascastillo90 from the Visual Shots Team | Be part of our Curation Trail - Delegations are Welcome

They are very interesting photographs and even more so considering that they also fit in with the month we are in. Excellent work!

Thanks so much! Glad you liked them!