Just a quick post showing off the updates made to hive.ausbit.dev in the last week.
The homepage has been rearranged, putting the block explorer in the top left.
You can now log in with hive-keychain and save usernames to make future sessions faster.
You can claim outstanding rewards in your wallet
We have a notification system, with reload and a "clear all notifications" button that blocktrades should use.
The Hive Engine wallet page has been tidied up, and token info screens hidden behind the blue info icon

The post sidebars have been tidied up a little more, with a button to see full metadata, post short descriptions, beneficiaries, edited posts are linked to see edit history, displays for full powerup posts, rejected payouts etc.

In the sidebar of your posts, everyone gets a Hive tip button. If you save extra coin donation addresses in your profile it'll add them to this button.
You can vote/downvote posts, with warnings about posts past payout
The account metadata editor supports linking a bunch more services like leofinance, 3speak, nftshowroom, palnet, dbuzz, wordpress and pgp keys (fingerprints or permlinks)
It can makes your header look like this :
There's also a bunch of bug fixes, efficiency improvements and boring stuff most won't care about. See the full commit history on github for all the gory details.