A nerd begins debuildation

in LEGO2 years ago (edited)

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Debuildation: The act of deconstructing Lego sets, sorting and bagging up the components then storing them away for one's niece and nephew.

- G-dog -

I knew the day would come, it's just that I hadn't expected the day to come so soon. Ok, I'll be honest and say I didn't want the day to come so soon, but necessity sometimes dictates one's actions and it's the need for more room that was behind my recent decision...I'm not happy about it, despite being resigned to it.

I refer to my decision to deconstruct some of my Lego Technic sets.

My plan has always been to take them apart, sort the parts into little bags by colour, and store them away to, someday when they're old enough for such complicated Lego sets, send them to my nice @smallsteps and my nephew, @mrbonkers. I want them to have my sets and I know they'll have as much fun as I have had with them...but it was difficult to come to the decision.


My problem is that they're so large and I only have so much room...and I want more sets...so something has to give. Having them set up like I do, and adding more, isn't going to work so well.

These sets are large, one is a metre long, the Mack Anthem container truck, and the rest are at least half a metre long at least, and with all of them being somewhat fragile I can't just dump them into a box fully constructed. So, I'm taking them apart. I'm pretty sad about it, but committed.


Out of the current Lego Technic sets I have built up I'm taking apart the Mack Anthem, Volvo Hauler, Mclaren F1 car, Car transporter, Extreme 4x4 off-roader and my all-time favourite, the Land Rover Defender - The latter two are pictured in this post. It probably doesn't sound like a big deal to you but for me, a Lego guy, it's a big deal.

I'll be honest and say I'm not one hundred percent sure I'll simply pack them away; there's a site where I can download instructions to turn each of them into something altogether different and there's some appeal to that so I might do so, however all of those listed above will be deconstructed and bagged up regardless.


My plan is to take them out and get some really nice pictures of them for old-times-sake...sure, I might play with them a little too, fun is not limited to children alone right? Then I'll begin the debuildation. The Land Rover Defender took me over twenty five hours to build...it'll not take that long to deconstruct though. I think I'll put a timer on and report back with the duration of each debuildation and compare it against the initial build; it seems like a legit idea.

A couple days ago, a Hive scallywag called me a nerd for building Lego; thanks to @eveuncovered, the said scallywag. I really am when it comes to Lego and a few other things though. She didn't mean it nastily of course, and I certainly didn't take it that way, she meant it as a compliment, or so I tell myself. My answer was something like, I am comfortable with who I am, what I know and what I can do. There's freedom in that. Basically, yeah sure I'm a Lego nerd, but I'll own it. I guess it's because I'm a Lego nerd that it's been such a big decision to deconstruct several of my sets, and despite not being happy about it I'll get it done...and then buy other sets!

It'll be a sad day when these sets come apart, but I think I'll be ok with it knowing I can build them into different things and eventually my niece and nephew will be old enough to build them; it'll be nice to know they get value from the same things I did. I've kept the original boxes and construction plans for them of course because...I'm a Lego nerd.

Also, just so you know, debuildation isn't a word in the English language, I made it up. Nerds do such things you know. Right Eve?

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default; tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind - galenkp

All images in this post are my own.


The very first thing I was going to comment was a very nerdy reply of ”tHat’S Not A ReAL WorD!”, until I read along. I do like the word though so I shall vote for adding it to the Oxford dictionary.

But it’s also such nerd behaviour to go snitch on someone about calling you a nerd 😝

Back when I was a kid I might have said something like, it takes one to know one. But I'm above that these days...

No I'm not.

Takes one to know one. Nerd!

I'm glad you like my word, nerd. Let's get it into the dictionary.

I’ve done debuilding of legos myself, I think it hurts the finger worse than building. I used to collect the model team sets. I saved the instructions and put all the pieces in a bag. Later on I would give them to my son for his birthday or Christmas. That was one of the most sincere thank you’s I have ever received from my boy.

Lego thumb is a real issue, bigger than the (alleged) global warming issue. 🤪

Taking these sets apart is going to be a little hard on the fingers as there's thousands of parts in each, but I'll take my time. I'll be honest though, I'm digging the idea of downloading new plans to turn each into something else. We'll see.

I'm really looking forward to getting these sets to my nice and nephew, but they are way too young yet. It'll be a nice gift though and I think I'll get similar thank you's as you did.

The Fingernail-Flipback is another brutal one…

I just stumbled upon this post now actually. Super neat photos of the lego jeeps! Didn’t realize you are into it in this way.

I love Lego, a remnant of my youth I suppose. It clears my mind if other things, focuses me and it's simply enjoyable.

I'll be honest, no debuildation has occured as yet, although today may be the day. Maybe. Lol.

I'm at the mall right now...have been looking at some new Lego Technic...and working really hard not to drop $500 on it. I'm winning the battle...but may lose eventually.

If you won the battle, $500 would be a nice addition to any silver stack..

I have a separate silver buying budget and buy monthly (depending on where the price might be). I've done it for quite some years now and feel like a pirate gone wrong, (buying not stealing).

I hear you. My spidey senses say good things happen soon..that being said, silver is cheap cheap and such a bargain.

I just keep adding to my stack, silver and gold, and someday I'll get some good benefit...other than feeling like a pirate.

You know how realistic those swamp buggy fo-toes L👀k right.?

Just a really kewl set up you did there.

Here I am with my new Lamborghini...


Lol, that is cool.

Tough decision. But the right one it seems.
And you are not alone, there are many Lego nerds out there. Some companies (won't drop names) even discovered us as a market and are solely marketing and producing for us, not intended for children.

Nice neologism. I will include it into my vocabulary.


Yeah, I'm not looking forward to it but due to the room situation I have little choice. I'll get enjoyment out of building them into something else though.

It made sense for Lego to market heavily to adults, but I think they didn't really have to. Any adult who played with Lego as a kid remembers it fondly and with all the cool stuff coming out now it makes sense we want to get some right?


Lol, it's much like this for sure!

Debuildation is a great should-be-a-word.

You can tell who the people are that think fun is only for children because they're the ones that are relentlessly cranky and are generally unpleasant to be around ;D

Sounds like you need another shed for the Lego.

I was pretty happy with my neologism in respect of this word. I was happy and excited, or excappy as I like to say. Sometimes I say happited.

(Never said that before, just made it up.)

I need a big new shed for them! Seriously though, I'll debuilderate them and make something else from them and get double the fun...otherwise known as fouble. (Fun doubled).

This is the first time I heard of the word “Debuildation” I know English as a second language but I dont know very much. So I really thought there is such a word. I usually use and check difficult words in google, but I didnt on this one because it is not that difficult to understand.

And yeah you just made it up. 😀

Lol, I make up words from time to time. There's a word for it:


That's a real word too, not one I made up.


Okay so it’s neogolism. I also make my own words but using my language or dialect, or by mixing two languages.

Neologism, actually...But yeah, that's what it's called.


Awww sorry for the spelling 😅😂 I have a problem with my phone since I had the LCD of this phone changed. This is very old (iphone 8+) Sorry

No need to say sorry, I was simply letting you know in case you ever used the word again; had I not done so you'd have maybe spelled it wrong again. No stress.

@galenkp this word actually fascinated me a lot...we have to debuild several things in life in order to get into better and newer stuff...but I definitely can relate with you as it is very hard to put things away which were once close to your heart...

Time moves forward and we have to move with it I suppose. Besides, change isn't bad, it's just change.

That's true...Change is the only constant in life which keeps us moving😊

Those models in the photos are pretty cool.

This is one time when I'm kind of glad Japanese houses are small. If I had the space, I'm sure I would find it hard to resist indulging in lego sets or just in loose pieces. I'm sure you've seen some of the images of people who have entire rooms full of just lego part storage. Anyway, they are relaxing to put together, there is that slight dopamine hit when we complete one, and the model itself can be fun to put on a bookshelf and look at sometimes.

So it's good I don't have the space to do this! Haha

I know a few who have rooms full of Lego and I get it, but I'm not that way inclined to guess, so I'll take them apart and build them into other things and then maybe take them apart again. It's going to get extra value out of the money spent on each set right? It's not been a problem before but now I've got quite a few sets it's getting a little out of hand.

This is a excellent choice if you want to rebuild the Volvo hauler into something new - I mean it what's to live on, it doesn't want to live in a cupboard somewhere. Having said that I absolutely get your point, owning the Landrover and the Volvo myself they do take up so much room

Oh yeah, that looks pretty cool! I'll have to chase down that site where the plans are available, if I can recall the name. 😋

I like the idea of building my sets into something else as it sort of makes taking them apart a little easier knowing they will live again.

Lol. breathes a sigh of relief At least you aren't alone having hobbies!

Gotten back into warhammer again. Spent around 6 hours painting a model last saturday.

The Landie looks awesome. Looking forward to seeing more!

Well then, I thought I was the only nerd on the planet, seems I was wrong. We should start a nerd club. And...only a nerd would think of that! 😁

Yeah man! You are not alone!

Check this out:

I painted the red one and had to do shading in the recesses and highlights on the edges.

Then you start doing the details.

My buddy Ren on the right is painting the yellow one. My daughter is sitting on the left of the picture. Between them is my spot I sat in doing my painting!

There is a Tabletop/DND community but not quite a general Nerd community... I don't think so anyway... we must check haha.

I just registered a domain name: zakdog-and-gdog.nerds.org

And the ball starts rolling.

I have a mate who does this; he's a captain in the Australian Army, a tank-unit commander. He's a nerd too...He knows about the impending website.

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Wonderful!

We are going to make it extremely nerdy!

I guess only the nerds understand each other. In my country we say, I'll just shift

Ahhh that's a shame but don't Legoids break them up and stuff everything into one big box and try and invent new stuff to build? I never realised you collectors kept them as a kit just to build one model?

Our little 11 year old house guest get quite a few little sets, mainly fake ones but has some real Lego starter sets and I've always encouraged him to mix it all together after he's built something!

If ever reads your post, he could hate me forever!

That Land rover is stunning by the way.

Best wishes :-)

I never mix my Lego Technic sets, ever, there's too many set-specific parts. Of course, I've never taken one apart either, so it's a moot point. This will be the first time and I'm not keen on it, but I have to, just to create more room. I have another house, one I don't live in, and most of my Lego stays there, but it's getting crowded. 😁

I have done RC cars in the past but this really looks way cooler since you have to build the entire thing from the chassis, suspension and the rest, Im sure its not a cheap hobby once you start having multiple of this cars, I have my eye on the Tracker Racer and will probably buy it for the end of year, long term lego fan since I was a kid and still have a few lego city models at home in boxes from when I was a kid

These sets have very complicated gearboxes. The orange Extreme 4x4 is a remote control car and the Land Rover will move from high range to low range 4x4 and through the gears from neutral. It was enjoyable to build.

You're right, it's not cheap, but it's enjoyable, relaxing to build, so I'm happy to spend a little now and then. It's time for these to come apart though, and I think I'll make something else out of each one. I've done posts on most of my builds so will do the same. I hope you manage to get your set, maybe you'll do a post here in this community about it.

Fun isn't just for children... and then we too are still a little children inside, aren't we?

Difficult decisions are made by great men... furthermore Smallsteps and MrBonker are involved in these decisions of yours which maybe helps a little, knowing you a little I think it helps you a lot.

However these sets and the photos you took are spectacular!
Ah and incidentally, Nerd is a compliment nowadays.... Nerd Power!
Yes, I admit it, I feel a little nerd, perhaps a little much...

Yep, I'd say that any person who says, fun is just for kids, should crawl under a rock and never come out.

I took these shots on the cattle farm I shoot on, it's a nice spot and it worked well for these two sets.

Essí worked really well, beautiful shots came out!😉

Don't know leggos but I do understand how hard it can be to pull stuffs apart. Especially when you have taken so much time to build it. Right Ed? @tengolotodo

Oy, that's quite a task you've got ahead of you, and one I personally don't envy. Putting them away properly sorted is a skill all to itself. Hopefully you'll get one last good go 'round with them, at least. Ultimately they'll find new life at least! This is a good thing.


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