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RE: Herbs That Scare Us: Halloween Community Comment Challenge

in The Herbal Hive2 years ago (edited)

Mine is amanita muscaria!!! Although I picked a heap this season to dry, I'm still a little anxious about doing so! I'd love to as it's meant to be transformative for anxiety but last time I had magic mushrooms I ended up stroking a possum skin for eight hours thinking my heart was going to beat out of it's chest!!! And I KNOW that amanita is NOT like psilocin at all but still.... and I really want to cook and eat it because I know you can but what if I damage my liver? It's so irrational because my ancedents ate this mushroom and they didn't die from it!! Maybe amanita is just saying I'm not ready YET. HOWEVER, I did make a vodka tincture out of it in case of sciatica ... And I was meant to send it to @ligayagardener but am so bad at posting things .. I'd never run an online shop successfully 🤪🍄🍄🍄




Tagging @umirais, @traisto, @oniemango, @amygoodrich, @antnn who also might like to be added to the list/join in? Excited that the Herbal Hive is resurrected and looking forward to more comments here!!


As far as I know this type of mushroom is poisonous and certainly not to be cooked as a dish. But this mushroom can be processed as herbal medicine with certain techniques. I hope you have success with this mushroom @riverflows

Do you make herbal tinctures too, @umirais ?

no i didn't make it @artemislives

Ooooh - these remind me of primary school at Montrose Primary in Victoria - they used to grow under the pine trees at the back of the footy oval. Every mushroom season the dire warnings from the teachers about how you'd DIE if you even thought about touching one!!

Medicine in tiny amounts I'd be game to try. Eating? Not so much. One of my staff in Thailand almost died from mushroom poisoning here in Thailand and it is frightening. The liver damage is the scary part, it's true. I have a MILDLY compromised liver post-chemo and it affects everything in terms of health....

Lovely, lovely images. I'm expecting fairies to pop their heads out any moment.


ARen't they bbeautiful? There's just something about them...

You run all your Hive projects so efficiently you'd be able to run a web-store with your eyes closed! 🤣

Aw, thankyou! But I don't HAVE to run the Hive projects - no one is really paying me for it hahahah

Oooooh my sciatica!!!

Oh no now I feel bad, I'll send it next week 😭😭😭