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RE: Herbal Hive Challenge: The Herb You're MOST THANKFUL For!!

A great challenge. I'll whip up something about Epilobium soon, though I'll have to pinch some pics from somewhere.


Looking forward to learning from you! Pinching pics is what it is, and we all need to do it rather often. As long as they're clearly attributed and from relatively open source and not "stolen", it's all good.

I do love the way the communities enable us to learn widely and differently.

I've always prided myself on my blog pics being original and taken and edited by myself.Compromise is an important skill to master, of course!

Hearing you @ligayagardener ...but also aware that we may sometimes unknowingly intimidate others from posting who may currently, for one reason or another, not have the luxury to prance around in a big happy garden snapping their own photos.

@merit.ahama - your comment below was a GOOD one and made me think of many people who may have had a garden or herbs before in their life and now don't, of people in hospitals or travelling, people who have downsized to an apartment, or who want to post about a herb that's currently dormant. Or people who may simply struggle taking pictures or not have a very good phone. Blog pics borrowed from elsewhere doesn't necessarily detract from originality.

I think a creative post with accredited pics can be FINE. 😍

I totally get your point and I appreciate you coming through to make it clear
I look forward to joining the challenge 😊

Thanks for that but I won't be entering that herb in the challenge. I may come up with something else though as I think about it.

I lii forward to seeing your entry along with all tHe others.

I understand
Just have fun with whatever you decide 😊

Interesting view. Prancing about the garden isn't really the case. My pics are taken during the course of my day raising food, for myself, my family and community members. It's hardly a prance but a lifestyle choice that I was forced to make but now benefit from.

Everything I post (except for reblogs) is really things that exist and have happened in my garden or community and is posted to inspire people doing it tough to do the same thing if they want to. It's all seasonal and subjecttoo and and that has made me reconsider posting about the Epilobium because I don't have any to photograph. Authenticity is paramount.