 3 months ago (edited) 

in addition to the benefits of linden you mention in the video...
here in Bulgaria we use it mostly in winters... especially in cases of cold symptoms!
it relaxes & cleanses the throat and lungs if coughing...
as a kid i did make often inhalations of the steamed linden flowers ;)

another wonderful property of its flowers is... when they blossom in june and when it rains ..the whole town smells amazing :)
(just like a fresh tea)

we have a lot of linden trees around the streets in front of houses and even in downtown :)
it is some form of tradition to have a tree in front ~ for health and prosperity ;)
i have 3 small trees in the backyard which sprouted from seeds.
still haven't blossomed, despite they're like 4-5-6 years old...

Yes Linden has so many properties. What an amazing tree and a valuable herb. I really could have gone on & on about Linden but didnt want to overwhelm people so I kept it to just a few medicinal uses.