Good afternoon, on the occasion of the Thanksgiving season, I am participating in this initiative called by The Herbal Hive where we must give thanks to an herb that has been relevant in our lives.
Buenas tardes, con motivo de la temporada de Acción de Gracias, estoy participando en esta iniciativa convocada por The Herbal Hive donde debemos dar las gracias a una hierba que haya sido relevante en nuestra vida.

I have always stated that I am very attached to natural herbal teas, more than commercial ones, although there are some that I use occasionally. But since I was little, watching my mother and my aunt harvest their own medicinal herbs and even those for gastronomic use, I ended up preserving those customs and creating my own garden.
Siempre he manifestado que soy muy apegada a los tés de hierbas naturales, más que las comerciales, aunque hay algunas que uso eventualmente. Pero desde pequeña, viendo a mi madre y a mi tía cosechar sus propias hierbas medicinales y hasta las de uso gastronómico, terminé conservando esas costumbres y creando mi propio huerto.
Pictures of my property

Pictures of my property
I have many medicinal herbs in my garden, but because of its smell, its flavor and its properties, I have always had a very special taste for “El Toronjil”. I have cultivated this plant for many years, and although its planting is very delicate because it does not anchor easily, I was lucky enough to plant it and today the plant is immense and very beautiful. Not only am I grateful for its benefits, but I have great affection for my plant.
Tengo muchas hierbas medicinales en mi jardín, pero desde siempre por su olor, su sabor y sus propiedades, he tenido un gusto muy especial por “El Toronjil”. Esta planta la he cultivado desde hace muchos años, y aunque su siembra es muy delicada porque no ancla con facilidad, tuve la suerte de lograr que se diera una siembra de ella y hoy en día la planta está inmensa y muy hermosa. No sólo estoy agradecida por sus beneficios, sino que le tengo un cariño muy grande a mi planta.

The qualities that make lemon balm a special plant for me, and why its use is constant, are its properties and benefits for my health. Among these I can mention:
- Colds
- Stomach upset
- Diarrhea
- Bellyache
- Stress
- Nerves
- Inflammations
- Spasms
- Headache
- Bronchitis
- Pharyngitis
- Tonsillitis
- Insomnia
- Anxiety
- Gastritis
- Vomiting
Las cualidades que hacen del toronjil una planta especial para mí, y por lo que el uso de ella es constante, son sus propiedades y beneficios para mi salud. Entre éstos puedo mencionar:
- Resfriados
- Malestares estomacales
- Diarrea
- Dolor de vientre
- Stress
- Nervios
- Inflamaciones
- Espasmos
- Dolor de cabeza
- Bronquitis
- Faringitis
- Amigdalitis
- Insomnio
- Ansiedad
- Gastritis
- Vómitos
Pictures of my property
Apart from its health benefits, it has a delicious lemon and mint flavor that is very pleasant. I prepare it in tea, infusion or juice.
For the tea or infusion, I use a liter of boiled water, a cup of freshly harvested leaves, and sugar or honey to taste. In the case of tea, I let the leaves boil in a liter of water, and in the case of infusion, I boil the water, turn off the heat and then place the leaves inside, covering the content. Sometimes I add the juice of half a lemon to each serving and this gives it an even more pleasant flavor.
Aparte de sus beneficios para la salud, tiene un delicioso sabor a limón y menta muy agradable. Yo lo preparo en té, infusión o jugo.
Para el té o la infusión, utilizo un litro de agua hervida, una taza de hojas recién cosechadas, y azúcar o miel al gusto. En el caso del té, dejo hervir las hojas en el litro de agua, y en el caso de la infusión, hiervo el agua, apago el fuego y luego coloco las hojas dentro tapando el contenido. A veces le agrego el jugo de medio limón a cada porción y éste le da un sabor aún más agradable.

Pictures of my property
Pictures of my property
The juice is prepared with a cup of leaves boiled in two liters of water, let stand, remove the leaves and add the juice of three lemons, and sugar. Ice is added. The aroma and taste are delicious.
El jugo se prepara con una taza de hojas hervidas en dos litros de agua, se deja reposar, se retiran las hojas y se le agrega el jugo de tres limones, y azúcar. Se le agrega hielo. El aroma y el sabor son deliciosos.
Pictures of my property
Even when there is a lot of breeze blowing, its leaves give off a very strong smell that permeates the entire environment, just like the steam of tea when it boils. Lemon balm is well known in my country, Venezuela, and is also known by the scientific name of Melissa. To plant it, they must take one of the elbows of its branches where there are little roots, and try not to move it once it is planted so that it can adhere well to the ground.
Incluso cuando sopla mucha brisa, sus hojas desprenden un olor muy fuerte que impregna todo el ambiente, al igual que el vapor del té cuando hierve. El toronjil es muy conocido en mi país, Venezuela, y también se le conoce con el nombre científico de Melissa. Para sembrarlo deben tomar uno de los coditos de sus ramas por donde haya raicillas, y tratar de no moverlo una vez sembrado para que puedan adherirse bien a la tierra.
Pictures of my property
Thank you for visiting my blog. Happy afternoon.
Gracias por visitar mi blog. Feliz tarde.

Definitely a crowd favourite! And so many soothing benefits... A true herb of the moon!
Oh yeah! Really among all the herbs in my garden she is the spoiled one, and of my teas, she is the favorite. She has the wonderful power to relax in a few minutes. 💕💚
I quite fancy a cup now!
Very nice post, I grow lemon palm myself it's great in tea for sore throats.
Great tasting also.
Have a wonderful day.
Oh cool 😎 didn't know it was good for sore throats! Hmmm .. marshmellow, honey and lemon balm lozenges perhaps!!!
Hey @riverflows, yeah, I often have a pot of tea with herbs floating in it. I add some local honey and sip it all day long.
Hope you are well and happy, hugs!
Sooo good for you! Yes, the weather's warming up and we are finally making headway with a few hobbit things! Hope you guys are warm and feeling cosy for the winter.
All those lemon-like flavors are very beneficial in respiratory diseases, and their flavor is very pleasant. Thanks for that information, right now we are going through a very intense rainy season and it is unleashing a lot of flu, these natural remedies are very good to control them. Thank you for visiting me and for leaving your comment. Happy day! 🌷💚
Hello again @annafenix, I grow herbs on our farm and have benefitted from them, they add so much flavor and nutrition in my cooking.
I believe in supplements also, vitamin c, omega 3, calcium and vitamin d3, so important for the ladies, we also do raw juices for the live enzymes that help digestion. I also add a multi mineral and vitamin powder to fresh fruit smoothies. I have been studying nutrition for years now and have found so many plant derivatives that can replace drugs.
You are young, beautiful and smart. Take care of yourself and live a long and happy life.
Hello darling!! How much valuable information you give me, thank you for sharing it... I really appreciate it. 🌷💚
Always so helpful to learn the names of our herbal friends in other countries!!
LOVELY to see it growing so abundantly in your garden, and also how you USE it. Does it grow all year round in Venezuela or does it die back when those winds you mentioned start to blow?? I honestly think TEA is one of the simplest - and also most helpful - ways to ingest and use herbs... because the act of brewing and sipping with one's hands curled around a warm cup is already the beginning of calm, which is where all healing begins.
GREAT post and appreciated you not just being the first post in the challenge, but including your own pictures. Kudos!!
Reblogged with pleasure.
Hello, thank you for your valuable appreciation.🌷
This plant is quite difficult to plant, but once you succeed you can obtain a very leafy bush that remains beautiful as long as it has well-fertilized soil, sun, and is watered frequently. Its sowing is achieved through the seeds that come out of its branches, or by the elbows with roots that adhere to the ground. It can present some dry branches that must be pruned regularly, but more branches and leaves sprout everywhere, even if you drag a branch on the ground it adheres to it and forms that elbow that fills with rootlets and then where it bends it sprouts a branch that grows upwards, practically forming a new plant. The breeze only drops the dry leaves and seeds, but does not affect the plant at all. To keep it firmer and not drag so much, I placed a tube next to it and tied some braids. 💚🌱
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Lovely post, Ana. Great job on all fronts.
Lemon Balm always reminds me of my childhood, since we had German friends who always swore by a German medicinal brew called Mellissengeist - The Spirit of Melissa.
Agree it's sooooo versatile and soooo gently yummy too. Nice choice.
Hello! 😦Wow, I didn't know that name, Melissa's spirit, I love it. 💕😊
And with good reason they named it that way, it really has a beneficial invasive power when it gives off that pleasant smell. Thanks for your appreciation!💚🌱🌷
I also grow mint at home. Apart from making drinks like infused water, I also use mint as garnish in many desserts.
I like mint but have never gotten around to growing it, I am going to try to add it to my garden. It is very beneficial for us to have our own medicinal plants, even the ones we use for cooking. 🌷💚🌱💕
So nice to see another fellow melissa fan :)
I love it, I call it my cheerleader as it boosts my mood just by smelling it!
Oh, and the flavor is just great, hot or cold! Definitely one of my favorite herbs, lovely post!
Hahaha, good to know that.😊
Then add me to lemon balm fans, I adore it and have a lot of faith in its properties.
When I hold a cup of tea in my hands, its aroma soothes me as much or as much as drinking it. It is a very versatile herb. 💚☕
Thank you for visiting me and leaving me this valuable comment. 🌷
I love lemon balm! I am so happy to have an abundance in my garden.
Wonderful!! We are privileged to possess this herb that brings us so many benefits. 🌱💕
You sure are a strong lover of herbs. It's nice to know that you're most thankful for this herb. It's got lots of medicinal value and it doesn't seem like the bitter ones I know. I may not have heard or seen it before but I can tell it's a super healthy plant.
This was a great read, I like your garden 😊.
Hello!! Thank you very much for your beautiful appreciation.
From my heart I am very grateful for the benefits that this herb has given me, although I cannot rule out that many others have also been beneficial for my health, but lemon balm is not only beneficial, but I like its aroma and flavor. I enjoy it!! 🌷💚
@annafenix que buen post, muy informativo¡! Me encanta la Melissa, siempre la uso para cuando estoy triste, un puñadito en el mate y ya me empiezo a sentir mejor, su aroma es muy reconfortante ❤🙏🌿
Hola cariño, gracias por tu valioso comentario.
Coincidimos en que su aroma es muy reconfortante, a mí me ayuda muchísimo en esas mañanas frías que me provocan alergia. 🌷💚
This herb must be a great healer and no wonder the name 'balm' is attached to it. I wish I can find it around my area I would love to take. You did a good job in putting your work together. Thanks for sharing.