My Journey Into Bitcoin - and Full Freedom

in LIVING IN GIFT4 months ago (edited)


Dearest Friends on Hive,

I've been looking forward to summarising my journey into crypto for a while, and the recent explosive movement upwards by Bitcoin has given me the incentive to finally get it down on 'paper':

Note: you can listen to my podcast on this subject, via this link on Spotify - also available on Fountain podcasting.


However, actually pinpointing where and when I came into crypto, and the specifics of how it has liberated my time, attention, focus, dreams and vision - is not as easy as I thought. Certainly it is not a bullet-pointing matter, nor a series of steps that I could transmit for others to follow.


I have had more conversations recently with friends who are open to, essentially, more freedom in their lives - who have begun to doubt the necessity, efficiency or sustainability of the conventional logic of 'striving for more dollars': I suggest that they look into BTC and get at least a few coins in there, before it rockets (yet) again.


The only Real Logic I have around my relationship with Bitcoin in particular is get in sooon, as it will only go up - and it goes up exponentially.


This fact of Bitcoin going up exponentially is for me one of the most powerful illustrations of our consciousness expanding OUT OF its contracted and limited/ limiting state (which we are indoctrinated into from conception); it is a living metaphor of our - ultimately - realising the inherent lack of values in the world given to us, and the moral and spiritual obligation to realign with proper values.

What do I refer to here as values? Truth, transparency, freedom and sovereignty, collective vision and cocreation. These aspects all sit at the core, are the pillars, of Bitcoin - as they are I hope at the centre of what holds the Hive blockchain together. These factors are the righteous energetic 'glue' that holds our world in harmony and in strength and durability.


In contrast, all the false values, the lack of transparency, the tooth-and-nail competition and manipulations of power that underlie the old mainstream concepts of currency, mean that the actual riches available to us all are increasingly minimal: we are NEVER going to collectively accumulate the wealth that we is our Natural Right. We are always going to have our Life Force and attention stolen, and to be given crumbs in return.


So long as we depend on the old mainstream economics, we are always going to be surrounded by - not only our own poverty - but the suffering of those with less than us, and the chaos and confusion, disharmony and atrophy that conventional currencies are structured to 'create' (i.e. uncreate): our money will never go up, it will never allow us to flourish, and we will always be being increasingly-heavily burdened by external 'taxes', 'costs' and perceived-obligatory 'charges'.


I cannot predict how worldwide govern-ments will react long-term to BTC, how they will interfere in our private lives, rights and financial empowerment, our swapping, trading and exchanging with each other, our day to day happiness and health BUT I DO KNOW that if we set a collective intention, and accumulate more and more of us following an aligned, harmonious path together - it is only a matter of a short amount of time before we make quantum change in this reality.


This is the Nature of our Universe: individual x collective potential to cocreate energetically = infinite creativity.

My path to absolute freedom was kind of long, and came in stages; initially each step I took was an ultimatum-like gesture, against something thrown at me by 'authorities' that I could not respect, rules I could not morally follow. I saw each and every choice as a first step in a cascade of sequential unfoldings; I could see how the consequences of each and every choice went on to ripple effects into the future, and mostly the long-term was in the least not positive.
WATCH CLOSELY: this is day 1 of 3 days - I have this many Euros in my Wirex account - 3578.77

I could always, even in my earliest days in schooling, feel into the consequences of every choice I was making, every order I might decide whether or not to obey - and I strongly doubted the intelligence of parents, teachers and order-followers, beginning to look sideways at them even from pre-verbal times, astonished that they seemed to be displaying such ignorance of the effects which would avalanche, if they coerced me along such and such a path...

day 2: of a payment made with my Wirex card - which translates Bitcoin into Euros, and can be used in most shops/ restaurants/ petrol stations, etc - you can see above how I 'SPENT' 0.001248 BTC - which was round 108.52 Euros

Never taking such roads as would lead to my unfreedom, meant saying no to conventional jobs or routines, dependence on corrupt states, staying in codependent or toxic relationships, getting out from under the weight of my own oppressed culture, and removing myself from mainstream medical influence. It meant freeing up my expenditure and my thinking and feeling around my expenditure: I questioned everything - constructively and holistically. And took action, wherever I could.

and day 3: my expenditure has disappeared, effectively - my account instead of going down from 3578.77 to 3470.25 (because I 'spent' 108.52) - it went UP by 69.55. This does not happen every day in BTC, but it does happen more often than not!

This is another key place where conventional brainwashing sticks: taking positive action. I have heard friends and family with fatal diagnoses, repeat and repeat phrases to the effect of 'I cannot do it', in relation to changing the simplest of behaviours, habits or ways of thinking - even when their very lives depended on it, they could ONLY SEE the choice of carrying on doing what they were doing. Even when the changes were tiny and incremental, even when the changes involved the smallest of discomforts and/ or the tiniest of growth pains - every time, and every decision, was into the familiarity of discomfort - and effectively, into death.

**It is genuinely effortless, once one is exercising the clear-bell-ringing, panoramic-sighted, open-eyed-and-minded energetic choice of towards Life, towards Freedom, towards Abundance. It gets easier and easier to navigate, the more we use it. It is only when we're on the treadmill and in the quagmire that we think things are hard and difficult. Nothing is by nature impossible, nor is anything by its Nature difficult: the effortfulness that we learn is taught to us by a

And that is how I got Free: simply by exercising Freedom, which gets easier and easier, the more we do it.

There wasn't one particular moment, or choice, or right move: it is an accumulation of better decisions which always aligned more and more with life, health, freedom. No less.
system that benefits from us striving. E basta/ The End.**

this week, with BTCs massive upwards movement, my account has gone over 4000 Euros for the first time in decades: I began with just a few Euros in my account, and over around 4 years have grown my wealth in this way, by adding tiny amounts very occasionally from my HIVE earnings, and from a small lunar income via Patreon (currently at 85 Euros each month) - AND THEN JUST WATCHING IT GROW.

As the world externally - through the lens of our culture imploding and our politics exploding, our environment atrophying and our air becoming less hospitable - seems all the more chaotic, the right choices become exponentially even easier. It is easy to move away from evil, away from buying into destruction, away from drama and confusion. It is easier and easier to say No to manipulations and YES! to flow: we are here to master such things, and this is proved by the great bounty of health-wealth-happiness-peace which opens up literally around us, as we grow: we see it in the microcosm of our own lives, and we see it in the macrocosm of the world as it unfolds.

we were not particularly financially wealthy alone, but joining our conscious assets, our wisdom of crypto, and our frugal savings, we have a profound sense of life security and possibility - we feel rich, for sure

Bitcoin goes up, as we collectively adjust ourselves into a more valuable world. Hopefully HIVE will also go up exponentially, as our critical mass uses 'social media' to communicate intelligently, positively and creatively - in contrast to what it has been using it for/ been being used by it for. I love watching the BTC counter go up, as to me it indicates our awakening, our stepping into power, and our correcting of our course - which for a while has been horribly contorted away from Health, Wealth and Happiness. I look forward to life getting exponentially better, as those-who-follow get caught up in our critical mass healing, harmonising and conscious evolution!

With Love to you all,




"false values, the lack of transparency, the tooth-and-nail competition and manipulations of power that underlie the old mainstream concepts of currency, mean that the actual riches available to us all are increasingly minimal: we are NEVER going to collectively accumulate the wealth that we is our Natural Right. We are always going to have our Life Force and attention stolen, and to be given crumbs in return", "conventional currencies are structured to 'create' (i.e. uncreate): our money will never go up, it will never allow us to flourish, and we will always be being increasingly-heavily burdened by external 'taxes', 'costs' and perceived-obligatory 'charges'.", "against something thrown at me by 'authorities' that I could not respect, rules I could not morally follow.", "saying no to conventional jobs or routines, dependence on corrupt states, staying in codependent or toxic relationships, getting out from under the weight of my own oppressed culture", "As the world externally - through the lens of our culture imploding and our politics exploding, our environment atrophying and our air becoming less hospitable - seems all the more chaotic, the right choices become exponentially even easier. It is easy to move away from evil, away from buying into destruction, away from drama and confusion. It is easier and easier to say No to manipulations", "Hopefully HIVE will also go up exponentially, as our critical mass uses 'social media' to communicate intelligently, positively and creatively - in contrast to what it has been using it for/ been being used by it for."- very much well said, those were my favorite parts, congrats that ur account is finally going up after spending rather than the other way around & i hope it keeps going that way, btc is doing amazing & probably we r not at the peak of this cycle yet i think it would b at least by end of 1st quarter of 2025 so reaching at least 125k by that time seems to b much probable & much logical. nice post- well done, have a good day

Ahhhh, I am so glad that you enjoyed my post and connect with these ideas so much, dear @jackjackson2nd ! Yes, these times are extraordinary... and I think that they will become more so and more so, as BTC is essentially designed to grow exponentially.... Cannot wait to see it break 100K - and it seems it will happen soon, indeed. It will be a wonderful cosy winter, snuggled by the fire and watching our treasure expand before our very eyes 😇 😇 🤗

I am very happy to read these thoughts on BTC and cryptocurrencies... in our case also Hive. That's the way to do it Clare, that's the way to do it. Invest the amounts you can afford from time to time.
These days I was thinking about the moment when Bitcoin went down to 15500 and I said to myself: if I had that kind of money I would buy one, because I know it's going to go to 100K. I have been analysing the market for years and trading with small amounts of money, which is what I can afford. I live in Cuba... it's complicated here. However, I can't say that I have done badly. I recently stopped working for this government that paid me a miserable salary. I freed myself and I feel like I'm breathing cleaner air. Step by step I will get to where I want to be, which is nothing but well within myself, sticking to my intuition and having that simple life where - as you said in your previous post - every step counts and really those small and accumulative actions are the ones that make the difference.

Cheers to both of you!

More of this sort of thing!Ciao dear @nanixxx - how lovely to read your enthusiastic response here - I very much appreciate you sharing... YES! It is quite a satisfying moment indeed, to be watching all our cryptos rising together, and to feel more affluent and empowered to simply live rightly and freely. Oofah, I am sure that your leaving the govt. job must have been a huge relief, and I love hearing how you felt into this and followed your feeling. Mmmm: we are so powerful, in our tiny wee steps, and our capacity to say 'thank you but no' to the tyranny 😍

Ha, yes, I am very enthusiastic. Greetings and have a wonderful weekend.

Thank you.

Thanks for sharing, @lee1938 ! I just followed you on 💝
