BESOS EN GUERRA - Morat (Cover) By @Angymusic

in Hive Music3 years ago


Holaa, mis amigos de Hive, espero estén teniendo un muy bonito jueves! Hoy quiero traerles una de mis canciones favoritas de la banda Morat, tanto la letra como su instrumental, son muy fabulosos. Espero les sea de su agrado mi interpretación. Gracias de antemano ✨❤️


Holaa, my Hive friends, I hope you are having a great Thursday! Today I want to bring you one of my favorite songs from the band Morat, both the lyrics and the instrumental are very fabulous. I hope you like my interpretation. Thanks in advance ✨❤️


Quién te dijo esa mentira
Que eras fácil de olvidar
No hagas caso a tus amigos
Solo son testigos de la otra mitad

Dos besos son demasiado
Y un beso no bastará
Y aunque adviertan al soldado
Si está enamorado, en guerra morirá

Ya no tienes que cuidarme

Porque yo
Siempre he sabido que tus besos matan
Que tus promesas riman con dolor
Que eres experta en robarle latidos a mi corazón

Y tú
Nunca juraste que saldría ileso
Ya no te atrevas a pedir perdón
Yo te confieso que no me arrepiento
Y aunque estoy sufriendo, podría estar peor

Sabiendo que tus besos matan, moriré de amor
Sabiendo que tus besos matan, moriré de amor
Sabiendo que tus besos matan

Para mí nunca fue un juego
Para ti fue un beso más
Y si hoy vuelves a mi vida
No es que estés perdida
No es casualidad

Ya no tienes que cuidarme

Porque yo
Siempre he sabido que tus besos matan
Que tus promesas riman con dolor
Que eres experta en robarle latidos a mi corazón

Y tú
Nunca juraste que saldría ileso
Ya no te atrevas a pedir perdón
Yo te confieso que no me arrepiento
Y aunque estoy sufriendo, podría estar peor

Sabiendo que tus besos matan, moriré de amor
Sabiendo que tus besos matan, moriré de amor
Sabiendo que tus besos matan

Ganaré la guerra para conquistarte
No quiero admitir que te vas, que te vas
Ganaré la guerra para conquistarte
No quiero admitir que te vas, que te vas

Yo perdí batallas por nunca aceptar que
No eras fácil de olvidar

Porque yo
Siempre he sabido que tus besos matan
Que tus promesas riman con dolor
Que eres experta en robarle latidos a mi corazón

Y tú
Nunca juraste que saldría ileso
Ya no te atrevas a pedir perdón
Yo te confieso que no me arrepiento
Y aunque estoy sufriendo, podría estar peor

Sabiendo que tus besos matan, moriré de amor
Uoh-oh (uoh-ooh)
Sabiendo que tus besos matan, moriré de amor
Uoh-oh (ooh)
Sabiendo que tus besos matan

Who told you this lie? That you are easy to forget? Don't listen to your friends, They are only witnesses of the other half

Two kisses are too much
And one kiss won't be enough
And even if they warn the soldiers
If he is in love, he will die

You don't have to look after me anymore
Because I always knew your kisses kill
And your promises rhyme with pain
And that you are expert on stealing beats from my heart

And you never swore that I would come out of this unharmed
You don't try to apologize now
I confess that I am not sorry
And even though I am suffering
It could be worse

Knowing that your kisses kill
I will die from love
Knowing that your kisses kill
I will die from love

Knowing that your kisses kill
For me it was never a game
For you it was always one more kiss
And if you come back into my life
It's not that you are lost
It's not a coincidence

You don't have to look after me anymore
Because I always knew your kisses kill
And your promises rhyme with pain
And that you are expert on stealing beats from my heart

And you never swore that I would come out of this unharmed
You don't try to apologize now
I confess that I am not sorry
And even though I am suffering
It could be worse

Knowing that your kisses kill
I will die from love
Knowing that your kisses kill
I will die from love

Knowing that your kisses kill

I will wn this war to win you over
I don't want to admit that you leave, that you leave
I will wn this war to win you over
I don't want to admit that you leave, that you leave
I lost battles because I never accepted that
You weren't easy to forget

Because I always knew your kisses kill
And your promises rhyme with pain
And that you are expert on stealing beats from my heart

And you never swore that I would come out of this unharmed
You don't try to apologize now
I confess that I am not sorry
And even though I am suffering
It could be worse

Knowing that your kisses kill
I will die from love
Knowing that your kisses kill
I will die from love

Knowing that your kisses kill








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