A shot of Jack with a beer chaser~~~ You must be havin good times. I upvote good time at 100%. :) Keep on chuggin~
oh and sorry if it sounded like a was making alcohol a bad rep. i didn't mean that... but what i really meant is that there are lots of worse example out there and cops wasting time regulating grass.... I dont know...
does that sound logical to anyone??
regulating natural organic grass that just grows anywhere you place it. There is a reason why they call it "weed".
and cops harassing people who have some grass.... The taxes there can be much better spent than paying cops to do that.
They should buy some much needed HBD~ ! and now its on sale!! :)
well i don't think you were bagging on alcohol but I think almost all of us know at at least one person who has totally ruined their lives with booze. I know some people that are a bit slow because of a lot of weed, but it hasn't upended their lives or anything.
The main thing I like about weed is the calming effect. I've seen tons of people get violent on booze, never because they smoked too much. They just get a pizza and go home...