That guy! What a scene!
As you said, contrast is what life is all about. We need to experience what we don't like to know what we do like. You're going to enjoy the ( future ) contrast so very much. In fact, you'll probably be thinking back of this dude, in the future, with a smile on your face. What a story...
I think you are very right, we already have fun trying to explain to Cambodian family and friends on the phone about the weirdness of Suriname. Pov always remarks about how hardly anyone here works from home, or more accurately, in front of their home.
While walking down the street yesterday, I made her laugh by pretending there Cambodian mini shops all along the edge of the road on the walk to the corner shop. Just the thought of roadside coconuts and sugarcane juice made us feel giddy inside. I think there is a chapter of Hyper to be written in Cambodia one day 🤔.