Since I see your fuji results, now I am conflicted whether I should get sony or fuji 😂 I want to upgrade my camera to a6000 but fuji is also tempting. Price wise, Sony that I want is cheaper but maybe fuji is better and I could wait a bit?
Since I see your fuji results, now I am conflicted whether I should get sony or fuji 😂 I want to upgrade my camera to a6000 but fuji is also tempting. Price wise, Sony that I want is cheaper but maybe fuji is better and I could wait a bit?
One of the reasons why I got a Fuji is because of the look it gives, it captures colors and light differently than other camera brands and I think you can see that.. not even using a Fuji film simulation and I'd still see a difference. :D I heard Sony is also good, I also was thinking of getting Sony before vs Fuji hahah but I like having Fuji more. Hmm, I suggest you watch some Youtube videos of Fuji vs Sony (the camera model you like)? Fuji doesn't really release that much camera models so there's not much you can choose from. It will also depend on what you're gonna use it for - check which camera has a better autofocus, video capture, and some other features you might need. Can't really say which one you should get as it depends on what your goals are and at the same time I don't know much about cameras atm hahah.
Yeah, I can totally see the difference between Fuji and other camera especially Sony. I generally need something for landscape and urban setting which is the reason why Fuji gets more appealing to me. Although from what I read, landscape photographers don't use Fuji that much compared to Canon and Sony. So, I don't know 😂 but I also read are some Fuji models that are good for landscape too. I used Sony a5000 before and it was so-so when I tried doing landscape.
Hmm yeah, is it because Fuji has no full frame cameras? Based on my observation (and not really a deep research lol) most Fuji users are enthusiasts although there are professional photographers as well. Did they say why they chose Canon and Sony for landscape photography? Full frame sensors have advantages for landscapes (wider scope, better in low light) and that’s probably why they chose those brands than Fuji? I don’t know hahah to me it really is a matter of preference. Lens matter as well, some can be sharper and faster with autofocus than others and won’t matter that much with which camera you use. For example, I don’t use my 18-55mm lens that much (they call it kit lens) since I noticed it’s way less sharp than my other Fuji lenses. Fujjs have really good lenses and are cheaper than other brands (but I may be wrong with the price) so yeah these are some of the things you’d want to consider when choosing. :D
But in the end, the gear shouldn’t matter much tbh.