My 2022 Goal Inspiration

in ASEAN HIVE COMMUNITY3 years ago (edited)


Picture edited in Canva.

I know it's a little late to be writing about New Year resolutions, I gave up on that for quite some time now, actually. I just set goals for the year instead. And this year, the inspiration came from a huge piece of land, cow manure, and bright sunlight on my skin. I've always been a laid back person. I don't really plan too far ahead for the reason that no one knows what will happen in the future. It's different when you have kids, though. You have to make sure they are well taken care of, have a peaceful place for them to play in close to nature, and have a place where they can be themselves unapologetically. I have to admit, my eldest is already six years old and I'm just planning all this now. But thanks to my friends, who kidnapped me last week, I found clarity.

Candid shot of my "kidnappers" 😁

Okay, okay. I wasn't really kidnapped. It's just the term I use for when my friends succeed in taking me with them to their escapades, it's kind of like kidnapping me from my kids. Hahaha! Good thing my sister didn't have work that day and agreed to take care of my kids while I was gone so my friends and I can go to the Dela Llana Farm to harvest some veggies! My friend's family owns 28 hectares of land and they dedicated some of it to farming. Imagine, 28 hectares! They have calamansi trees, rows of eggplants, green chilies, ghost peppers, siling labuyo, lemon trees, pineapples, tomatoes, Chinese kangkong, and spinach! Yeah, he likes chilies a lot. That's my bestfriend with the tomatoes, by the way.


There were also ornamental plants that he's planning to sell once he's able to supply to plant shops in the city. My mom was in awe when she saw the plants, she's a certified plantita (a person who loves to collect plants) herself. They have rubber trees, different variations of Alocasia and Mayana, and a lot more!


One of the highlights of the place is their shipping container house. We didn't get to go inside because the goal of the day was to harvest the veggies. I forgot to ask him if I could see the inside, too, since I was so amazed by how vast their property is. Maybe next time, I won't be too distracted and even post another blog about it.

The side of the farm house, of course, with the model in the picture. 🖤 Photo credit

Looking at the whole place, with the sun brightly shining and sweat dripping down my cheek, I thought to myself, "I will work my ass off to have something like this - a land, tiny house, and vegetable garden of my own." It sparked excitement on how that journey would play out, and the challenges that I would face to achieve that goal. It may not be possible to have it all this year, but I would definitely start working for it. I'm claiming it!


From farm to table 💚 Green chilies in the Chickpea Stirfry, Chinese kangkong and tomatoes in the Shrimp in Sour Soup, and Fried Eggplant with Spicy Shrimp Paste.

Growing up, you'll realize you don't need a lot of friends in this world. Just a few true ones who inspire and help you be the better version of yourself, and make living this life worth while.

Group picture!😁

Thank you for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed the pictures as much as I did taking them. What about you, what's your goal this year? Let me know in the comments. 😉 Until my next story!

*Pictures are all mine unless stated otherwise.



I love the irony of a vast land and the tiny shelter thru the shipping container.. reminds you everyday that your surrounding, the nature, and the universe, are your house in the grand scheme of things.

I love that! I can't wait to post about their tiny house. ☺️ Thank you for stopping by. 💚

 3 years ago  

I know it's a little late to be writing about New Year resolutions

It is never too late. Sometime inspiration / resolution comes when we least expected 😁😁

My friend's family owns 28 hectares of land and they dedicated some of it to farming

28 hectares . That is a lot of land 😮😮 Just imagine the number of profits that he can get from the vegetation

What about you, what's your goal this year? Let me know in the comments.

My goal is to achieve my last year goal 😅😅

28 hectares . That is a lot of land 😮😮 Just imagine the number of profits that he can get from the vegetation

I know, right? He's just starting, but I'm already so excited for him and the future of his garden.

My goal is to achieve my last year goal 😅😅

Yes! Just continue until you've achieved it, then set a new goal for yourself!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post. Hello from the Philippines! 💚

Wow, 28 hectares of land that's a lot. Wonder how he is going to maximize the area to make the most profit. Also love this quote of yours "Growing up, you'll realize you don't need a lot of friends in this world", glad I realized this at an early age, I surrounded myself in the past with lots of friends who turned out to be fake, now I have less friends but all of them are true and genuine.

Yeah, they had a drone shot posted on Facebook showing a big portion of the area, but I'd save it for Part 2, I guess. Haha!

I was a social butterfly before I had kids, so I'm used to being with a lot of people most of the time. Everything changed when I became a mom, then the pandemic hit. I'm just so grateful to have my "kidnappers" until now. 😁 And yeah, fuck fake friends.

 3 years ago  
Thanks for posting in the ASEAN Hive Community.

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Thank you 💚