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RE: 📚 Monkey-B's Khmer Literacy Is Improving 🔖 & The @KidSisters Gear Up For Their Hive Re-Introductions 👩‍🎨

She's already more advanced with reading and writing than I am, so I can no longer help her, it's all up to big sister and mom now.

I think part of homeschooling is acknowledging when they are beyond what you can teach and letting someone else take over or even letting them take the initiative to continue learning themselves, whether online or from books.

Gosh these girls have grown so fast!

 3 years ago  

She's got the books and the tools, plug big sister and mom are literate, so I just have to work on keeping them motivated to work with Monkey-B on her reading and writing, and I can help with everything else. Srey-Yuu is a young lady and Monkey-B has giraffe legs, and it all happened on Hive, crazy to imagine I've been here this long.

It doesn't seem like it was more than a year ago I started reading about your life in Cambodia yet you've had 3 years in Suriname and finally made it back again! So crazy to think it's really been this long!!

 3 years ago  

When I do the math I am always in disbelief. Even though we weren't crazy about being stranded in Suriname during a world crisis, we spent so much time there that it became a home of sorts whether we liked it or not.

Those were formative years for the girls, and there's not a day that goes by where something to do with our time in Suriname is brought up in conversation. We have one friend there that is also a Hiver, now one of our best friends, and we're trying to get him to move here.