I did axe throwing for the first time in my life in an outdoor bar in Bangkok during the last week that I lived there. The tiny and very cute trainer showed us the lines on the ground where you are meant to release the axe and after that was pointed out it was easy peazy lemon squeezy. After doing that day I now feel that anytime I see an axe attack in a film where the blade hits the target from a distance I have to call BS. If we released the axe anywhere except on the line some other part of the axe would hit the wood and it wouldn't stick.
Great addition to the lounge, that's for sure. Now it's time toe work up a sweat in my new Rock turtleneck!
I think this "sport" could take off in Cambodia, seems folks here are pretty keen on releasing the axe at the perfect time. It seems one of the most common domestic violence acts is an angry spouse winging a hand axe across the yard, and strangely enough pictures in the local newspapers show it to be a very survivable injury.
I've never had the chance to throw axes, but way back in highschool a friend of mine had throwing knives, and I remember it being very difficult to get the timing right just like you say.