My international terminal travel experience thus far (DAD and TPE)


Airport experience thus far.

It has been a while since I have traveled any sort of real distance internationally. 5 years to be exact. The last several international trips don’t really count in my book because they were only an hour and a half or so even though they were technically to another country. South-East Asia is nice like that; go just an hour or so by flight in any direction and you are in a completely different country with a different culture, different food, and a different language. I’m one of the lucky ones though because basically everyone caters to English-speakers: I would feel really terrible for someone that doesn’t speak English or the local tongue, they must just be lost like all the time.


I started out by getting to the Danang International Airport (DAD) at a mere 90 minutes before my flight to Taipei, Taiwan. In other countries this would be absolute madness, but here I have never experienced a flight, international or otherwise, taking more than 30 minutes or so from taxi drop-off to waiting at the gate. I figure if I am going to have to wait somewhere for a long time, I would prefer it be on my own sofa rather than some uncomfortable-by-design chair somewhere in close proximity to strangers .

Danang airport kind of impressed me with the 1 hour or so that I had to wait before my flight boarded. There is much more than enough space for the amount of people that would ever be here all at once. It is nice to see, for once, a place that has planned for massive expansion before it is needed. In my home country they wait until the airport is completely overrun with customers, the complaints are expected, and the queues are massive before they even do anything about it and then it is several years before said upgrades ever take effect. It really is annoying to me that the USA is judgemental about anything that anyone does in this realm seeing as how the worst airports I have ever been to in any developed (and most developing) nations are all in the USA. It’s almost like they don’t give a damn.

granted it is rainy season but the fact remains there is so much extra space here

Danang is also preparing to transiting passengers in the future, although I can’t think of anyone that would have a layover here. It does seem really unlikely since something like that would be far more likely to take place in Saigon or Hanoi. But I did notice these “sleep rooms” that for a mere $3.50 an hour or so you can rent a bed complete with plugins and showers and stuff for 3 hours. I’ve been in airports before that offer this sort of thing but they charge astronomical prices for them or you have to be a part of some sort of exclusive membership club which is also really expensive. My friend who travels a great deal more than I do – most of it for work – is always regaling me with photos of these luxurious lounges. Then he tells me that he has to pay Amex $1000 a year for access. I stop being jealous at that point in time.


Danang was mostly empty and that appeals to me. Finding the gate is a piece of cake and all of the gates are separate from the long hallway that everyone has to walk down. This is something that I believe most airports are converting to slowly but surely but as far as I know Danang’s airport was always like this and it just works extremely well. They have more seats that the plane you are getting on does, so there is never any of this experience where some people have to sit on the floor or stand like I will see often in other airports and again, it is just the norm in big city airports in USA.

My flight with EVA was fine. Nothing terribly special but certainly a lot better than the budget airlines that I now refuse to fly with unless I have no other choice. I was surprised to see that there were no entertainment units built into the head rests as I thought this was just stock standard with full-service airlines these days. The meal that was served was well, it was airline food so my expectations were pretty low. It was decent but nothing to write home about.

wine served in a carboard cup. at least the brought back the real cutlery instead of that plastic garbage

Now here I am in Taipei, whose airport has changed a dramatic amount since the last time I was here more than 20 years ago. I have to say that it certainly looks much much better than 2 decades ago, but they, in my opinion made a ton of mistakes in their design. It seems almost intentional that none of the gates have enough seating for the amount of people that are going to be getting on an airplane that is flying over the largest ocean in the world a few hours from now. I counted about 40 seats. I’m presuming, since my seat number is “K” that there are going to be three to four-hundred people on this plane. Where the hell are the rest of us supposed to sit?


If you walk around a bit you will quickly discover the answer to this: you aren’t meant to sit down, you are supposed to walk around and SPEND MONEY! I walked from one end of the long tube that is this airport (TPE) and all the stores are luxury brands with damn near nobody in them because they are selling $10,000 handbags. It’s duty free though! I don’t give a damn. If I ever meet someone that has designer handbags I will know that I don’t need to be friends with them. I don’t care how much disposable income you have, that is a massive waste of money.

There are of course like a thousand coffee shops as is the norm anywhere in Asia. Surprisingly, there were very few places to eat anywhere down this tube. I presume there is a McDonalds because I saw some people with fries containers but I never saw the arches while I was wandering around.

I didn't have time but man! I wanna know how damn good that chicken is in Taipei!

I eventually found a place to sit where I could type in quiet and eventually go back to my gate and lean against the wall with all the rest of the people who have the misfortune of traveling to Los Angeles.

Stay tuned for the next installation because I will be detailing in great detail how I feel about what I consider to be one of the worst airports not just in USA, but in the entire world. The dreaded monstrosity that I honestly feel can't be fixed. It is called LAX.


Everyone envies you when you travel until they travel and realise how bad it actually is. You tend to forget quite quickly how bad things are ad I admit I would be tempted to climb into a bed for $10, but would probably over sleep. Sleep is the one thing I cannot do whether in a car or a plane so after 40 hours I would be shattered. Hope everything goes well and who knows you may be upgraded.

 8 hours ago  

I just shoot for exit rows. Upgrades don't happen for me but who knows? Maybe one day I'll get that wonderful surprise.

I find sleep in an upright position, regardless of what sort of headgear I bring with me, to be extremely difficult and it only happens rarely and not on purpose. I have pills to help with this but even then sometimes I cannot make it happen and now I am just groggy AF and also not sleeping.

Travel, even in my own lifetime, used to be enjoyable. Maybe it was just because I hadn't done that much of it up to that point in my life and was still excited about the unknown. These days I loathe it. Airports are basically the worst place to be.

I've been through LAX a couple of times and was equally unimpressed. Last time I was there was the year before COVID. There was a lot of construction going on but I don't know if it will result in any improvement.

On the other hand, I've always liked Atlanta which has been a waypoint for me on several occasions. It's the busiest airport in the world, it can definitely be crowded at times, and it is huge but it is easy to get around at least and there are absolutely tons of places to eat/drink/shop/etc. It's also generally not hard to find somewhere to sit though whether that's next to your gate or not is another question.

 8 hours ago  

Finding a place to sit isn't a problem, you are correct. I will normally head to a gate way the hell away from my own that doesn't have a flight going out of it at all and sit there to get some quiet.

I'll be posting my LAX experience soon, the construction is completed in many parts but it just seems like they had someone brainless in charge of it. There was also a ton that was still being built with massive walk-arounds that were confusing and very time-consuming.

I was just talking to someone else about how some of the bigger airports are basically small cities. It is pretty crazy the quality and amount of offerings that some of them have. Of course everything is vastly overpriced! I hope the rest of your journey goes well!

 8 hours ago  

I suppose I was too young to really remember it clearly but I recall accompanying my father to the airport on business trips and I don't recall anything being for sale aside from some donuts and coffee. Commercialism has taken over the world, that is for sure. I think that for the major airports there is no flight reason why they need to be as large as they are, but they build all this retail space first and then putting actual gates is just an afterthought. They force us to walk though all of these areas because if the mall was off to the side I don't think very many people would go to it at all.

Yeah, those are some good points. It's just crazy how boutique and upscale style it has all become. It's like the prices weren't going to be high already, then they go and put high end stores and restaurants in there. It's like robbery.

 2 days ago  

Nailed it. Some of these flights had intentionally took away the entertainment system to NOT only save space, but to reduced a hefty amount on copyrights, maintenance, and last but not least - extra heat from electrical power consumption.

That onboard meal look average, but the portion looks quite handsome imo. Paper cup wine... Yulk 🤣

Never been to Taiwan airport, according to your description, it's just similar to another commercial airport in my mind. Not enough seats. And the steel plated seat with rough breathing hole that will print a mark on my butt cheek through my jeans and underpants, for utilizing it more than 5 minutes. USB charging port that is so low that one need to asian squat to check the charging progress. Duty free shops that sells premium brands at a discount price that similar to normal retail price in town. Extremely slow water dispenser machine. Normally McDonald's is NOT available in the departure hall, or they will have to sell at fast food at fine dining price. Shall we call them fine fast food?

 8 hours ago  

I think this is just the norm in any sort of hub airport. I don't know who these people are that believe that the prices in the airport are actually lower because like you pointed out, I have no noticed any meaningful level of discount on anything that I have even looked at. I suppose the only benefit that I can think of would be that if it is in an airport and for sale, it is the genuine article... no funny business with knock-off merch.

40 hours sounds brutal, I hope there are no delays! I have never thought about how difficult it must be to travel through airports without being able to read English, probably would make a 40 hour-hour trip feel a lot longer.

 8 hours ago  

oh, not speaking English would be a nightmare. They don't accommodate any other language. Sometimes Korean or Japanese but nothing else. There was actually a slight delay but since my connecting flight had a near 9 hour layover after this one I wasn't at all concerned about that.

If one does not know the English language, traveling becomes very difficult for him. People in all countries understand some English. Bed available at $3.50 for three hours, good. .. A short rest can be taken on a long journey

 8 hours ago  

I would pay for it for sure but since DaNang isn't a hub to really anywhere I don't think it gets used very often. It is a sound idea, for sure.

 14 hours ago  
Thanks for posting in the ASEAN Hive Community.

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 8 hours ago  

appreciated, as always.