Nothing to see here! Vietnam doesn't even talk about Covid anymore


If you are living in a part of the world where there are still strict Covid restrictions know that you have my sympathy. Most of the people I know and also most of my family members are living under such restrictions as well. A few of them got so fed up with it that they actually moved outside of the United States and are not going to come back until as one of them said "the government gets their heads outta their asses."

Now I don't really even know how to think about the lockdowns, the social distancing, the mask vs no mask argument, because other than for a few weeks, I have never been subjected to it. Vietnam might be one of the most free places in the world right now because if you walk outside you will not be told where you can and can not go, you will see packed bars and restaurants, you will see beaches full of people (well, if you live at the beach) you see amusement parks that are open, and outside of very specific (and somewhat strange) situations, you are never required to wear a mask or maintain any sort of distance from anyone.


We never really were in any state of emergency and the few times that a scare did pop up, the media didn't have any particular reason to make a big deal out of it... well, not the domestic media. I didn't see it but I am sure the North American and European press were probably chomping at the bit and hoping that Vietnam actually would have an outbreak. This is because the media sucks and Vietnam is a country that has been almost completely out of the news as far as Covid is concerned because there was no horror stories to tell.

This continues to this day.


While watching sports taking place in the western world I notice spaced out crowds or no crowd at all. I do not like soccer but I like my friends who like soccer so I went to go see a Man U match and there was no one in the crowd at all. We have capacity crowds or more like as many tickets as they can sell crowds at all of the events, we even have concerts and rooftop parties that would probably get you arrested unless you are a politician or celebrity in USA - it certainly would if you are in Canada.

There isn't much in the way of English news available in Vietnam, but the few that do exist mostly don't even talk about Covid anymore. If they do talk about it, it is in relation to other countries and normally is just a repeat of something from The Associated Press. I suspect that the media is tightly controlled by the government here so who knows what is really going on but all I have to do is walk out my front door to realize that there is exactly zero Covid hysteria here. When you see a person wearing a mask this is normally a roadway pollution thing, not a virus prevention thing.

The only place I ever have to wear a mask is to get past the gatekeeper at the local shopping mall and even he is totally aware of the fact that everyone, foreign and Vietnamese alike, almost immediately take their masks off as soon as they get past the gate.


There was a time that temperature checks were required at one point but we found it quite amusing that the guy was just going through the motions because most of our temperatures were so low that we would have to be already dead to have a body temperature that low. The anti-covid security dude doesn't give AF, he is just doing what he was told to do. Even back then most people would have their masks off once inside because I don't know if you have ever been to a shopping mall, but a lot of the things inside involve sitting down and eating / drinking something and no one was ever required to wear masks there.

Outside of a few weeks our movie theaters, bowling alleys, and ice-skating rinks (yes, i'm not making that up, we have ice-skating rinks in Vietnam) were always open and always selling as many tickets as possible.

So I'm thinkin that I accidentally ended up in one of the most awesome places that a person possibly can be in the world in relation to Covid if you are the type of person that hates being told what to do by the government.

We literally have no restrictions at all. If it seems like I am bragging I probably am a little bit but also know that I feel bad for you if you are in a society (especially USA) where your overlords are constantly moving the goalposts in regards to this virus. I guess I just got very lucky and it was a spur of the moment decision on my part to move here 5 years ago anyway. What a wonderful mistake that was!

The only issue is that if I leave, I wont be able to come back until the world changes back to "normal" - whatever that means. So I can't visit my family and they can't visit me. So that part of it sucks... the rest is pretty awesome.


Watching daily news all over the world, I feel so much lucky to be here in Vietnam, covid free, beautiful weather everyday (except sometimes a bit to hot🙈) 🤞 for those countries having outbreak again 💚🌏

 3 years ago  

Thanks @babeltrips for being engaged in the ASEAN Hive Community. !ENGAGE 20

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 3 years ago  

lol, "sometimes a bit too hot"... yeah, except for the end of November to around Feb, I totally agree. Other than swim it is tough to do anything outside.

Ohhh there is a cool place named kyBiMo Garden which is very cool to work in Hoian. It's good to drive up there in the morning, work there, enjoy nature and local food then back to town 🤗

That's good news for your country. I am sending you a big congratulations.
In my country are facing with the new wave of spreading again

 3 years ago  

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 3 years ago  

well we could be looking at the same here in the not-too-distant future. I personally believe that this virus cannot be stopped, only delayed. But what do i know?

 3 years ago  

lucky you! While it hasn't happened down in the South where we are, new lockdowns are happening and even travel restrictions for certain provinces. Sometimes being in small city with a low population has its upsides.

 3 years ago  

Thanks @kbv.animalwelf for being engaged in the ASEAN Hive Community. !ENGAGE 20

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My wife and I experienced Covid in Italy, then Uk, and eventually they kicked me out and now we're in the states waiting for planes to fly back over the ocean. Depending where you are in US, you wouldn't know covid exists.

Since returning last August we've driven coast to coast twice, Florida you wouldn't know it. Beaches are packed, everything is wide open. California, nothing is open. Each state is different. We're currently in Tennessee and nobody around here has any idea why stadiums are empty, they never missed a beat in this state. Sports, gyms, salons, etc.

Just depends where you are but that's not what the media wants the world to think. Masks are not mandatory in the US but the suggestion to wear them changes in each street corner.

Thanks for the heads up! If Vietnam would allow visitors I'd come enjoy coffee with you and @trangbaby but they're not.

 3 years ago  

Thanks @dandays for being engaged in the ASEAN Hive Community. !ENGAGE 90

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It will be a pleasure to be met @dandays. I read the news that Vietnam readies vaccine passport entry for tourists but not sure when. I will update you with any good news about it :)

Please do. Any bit of information I can gather from someone who's actually there is worth more than the stuff I ignore.

The more I hear about stadiums opening or schools, countries, of course, the closer we are to getting back to what we're good at. I know we have the rest of our lives, I'd love to see Vietnam. And I know if we make it there we'll have the best tour guide ever! 💖

You're hearing something about Covid compliant passports huh? That's terrifying.

Sure @dandays. I'm willing to guide you around if you are here. I have no idea about Covid compliant passports or any vaccination lol. We will talk about it somewhere else.
I hope you have a great week ahead, much Love

 3 years ago  

I have heard that from my friends back in the States, especially my friend who lives in Florida. When I asked him about masks he simply said "we don't do masks here." Yet they seem to have done just fine.

The media definitely has a vested interest in doom and gloom, so I tend to ignore them when they talk about Covid... they are just after ratings. Hence the reason why they almost never talk about countries like the one that I live in where everything is open and except for a couple of weeks, always has been.

I consider myself very fortunate to be "trapped" here, even though I would stay even if I wasn't.

I consider myself very fortunate to be "trapped" here..

Very well said!

We aren't supposed to be in the states right now but all things considered, thank God we landed in a state whose never heard of covid. If you wear a mask around here, they're "what's the matter?! Why the facial disguise? Is something going on outside I'm not familiar with???"

My wife and I talk about Vietnam regularly. Many people on here from Vietnam and the only thing I've ever read about it is how friendly and hospitable it is and gorgeous, nature, etc etc etc.

I'm thinking of writing about Covid situation in VN then I'm glad to read this 🙂😍. Life is normal here. Tourism getting crowded again and Now I enjoy traveling around so much.

 3 years ago  

Thanks @trangbaby for being engaged in the ASEAN Hive Community. !ENGAGE 15

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em chào chị nhá hí hí . chúc bài viết của chị lọt top trending

 3 years ago  

I guess the old expression remains true - "No news is good news." We're about to start our 4th consecutive full weekend lockdown here in Suriname, and one has already been announced for next weekend. My greatest fear is running out of propane on Friday evening. There is no chance to refuel until Monday morning. Fingers crossed for this weekend, tank feels a little light.

 3 years ago  

might have to go old school and gather some ruffage and make a fire in the backyard buddy! Well, if you have a backyard... I know i don't.