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RE: What to do when a sick dog refuses to be helped?

You're doing good work in looking after that poor dog, and I'm sure over time she'll come to trust you even more. I'm looking at her right rear foot, and it seems like her nails could use some trimming as well. We have a neighborhood cat here, and I bought it an insulated cat house for the winter since it can't stay inside. Everyone feeds and waters the cat daily, but it must have found a warm spot somewhere else over the years, but now it'll have a second option to stay out of the cold.

 5 months ago  

That is good that you are doing as much as you can to help the less fortunate beings in this world. Almost all stray dogs have overgrown nails and normally we do not trim them unless it is problematic because dogs that have not been groomed have a tendency to lash out if you handle their feet. If we have a procedure that is going to involve sedatives for the dog anyway, we will clip the nails then. Otherwise, it can be quite dangerous to even try to handle a dog, especially if it doesn't know and trust you.