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RE: Transplanted trees on the beach did their job in helping to prevent complete erosion

You would think they have learned their lessons and know they need to spend some money now as this is a hazard. Guaranteed you will update us again with what they have done and most likely will continue doing what they always do and do a temporary fix.

 2 months ago  

I fear that because it is nearly the end of the rainy/typhoon/cold season that since the beach wasn't completely obliterated that they will consider their actions a success and will do nothing about it until it isn't a success. I know the old saying of don't fix it if it isn't broken but the only reason why this isn't broken is because as team of army engineers were brought out to build temporary measures to save it. I would be extremely surprised if any sort of permanent fix was even attempted to be implemented.

A few years ago an entire section of road and houses were wiped out because of this problem and it was only after that happened that something was done even though they could see this coming from a long ways away.

Yes I suppose hey could be thinking they are geniuses and do nothing more happy with the results.