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RE: How about a $3 lunch? Anyone insterested?


That Bo Ne looks absolutely delicious. Did they make their own bread in Vietnam before the French invaded and influenced them? That's probably the one good thing to come out of that I would imagine. $3 is a heck of a deal. I remember when you could get the two cheeseburger meal at McDonald's for $2.99, but now it is over $5 I think. It's ridiculous.

 2 months ago  

I was reading the other day about how McDonalds has tried downsizing their products' size over the years to keep costs low but now they are raising the prices all over the place. The days of the dollar menu are gone. The thing that is frustrating is that this is all in the name of profits. The food could be cheaper but it isn't. Here in Vietnam McDonalds is almost always more expensive than any of the other burger places.

I believe the French were probably instrumental in introducing a lot of the cuisine over here.

Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous, despite how my blog makes it appear, my wife and I don't go out to eat as much as we used to for that very reason. The cost to value ratio just isn't there.

 2 months ago  

This is one thing that is truly wonderful about living over here in all the countries around other than Singapore, which is more expensive than most of the US. I order out and go out to eat for almost every meal and it is cheaper than cooking yourself. This doesn't mean that it is always good but the only way you can ever accomplish an expensive meal here at a restaurant is if you go somewhere super fancy.... and normally those places, while nice, just seem like a waste of money since you spend like a week's worth of regular restaurant purchases on just one meal.

I don't feel like it was always this way in USA. I recall in college being able to go out to with with $10 in my pocket and expect to return home with change. Those days are long gone.

Yes, you are right, it wasn't always this way. It has just gotten so horrible lately. That is cool that you can eat so well on such little money over there. I'm sure there are plenty of healthy options too if you are the sort who tries to avoid the "bad" but oh so tasty stuff!

 2 months ago  

there are tons of health oriented options here and vegan food is really popular. I eat it every now and then but I suppose a lot of what is "healthy" can be interpreted by the person's particular diet. I prefer a protein heavy diet, for example. It just keeps me full longer, so vegan stuff just don't fit the bill for me. Also, depending on how you cook a vegetable, it can actually be far worse for you than meat options. I know a girl that is vegan and every vegetable she eats is tempura style. She is fat and unhealthy.

Haha, that is too funny about the girl you know. Sad a bit, but also funny. I've seen plenty of salads in my day that have far more calories than a burger and fries. It's pretty sad.